Enumeration of behaviour flags for reading 3D models.
The flags are applied in the order of their ordinal value (e.g. flip before swap).
Public / Constants
Keep the names of all model nodes, including the hierarchical structure.
Set this flag in order to collect the model node names that are suitable for being put into ModelReaderOptions.ModelNames.
Re-interpret normal maps as grayscale bump height maps and re-compute normals accordingly?
When this flag is set, the texture that would otherwise be used for IMaterial.Normal will be interpreted as a bump height map, which triggers the behaviour of ModelReaderOptions.BumpScale.
This flag is intended to be used for fixing broken 3D models.
Compute smooth per-vertex normals instead of face normals if the model does not provide normal vector information?
Models usually provide normal vector information in one of the following ways:
By storing per-vertex normal vectors
By arranging faces into smoothing groups
If no normal vector information is present, this flag may be used to force computation of smooth per-vertex normal vectors. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
This flag is intended to be used for fixing broken 3D models.
Disallow use of lossy compression for model textures?
If this flag has been specified, the IModelReader object is not allowed to choose a texture format with a lossy compression technique and must choose an uncompressed one instead.