

interface System.IComparable<T>

Extended by

BuildInformation abstract
CxId struct
CxName struct
DatasetId struct
DecalFace struct
DirectX9ParameterInfo sealed
EnumItem sealed
Fraction struct
GeoObjectId sealed
GridLine sealed
GUID struct
LUID struct
MaterialKey struct
MultiSampleType struct
ObjectPoolStats struct
Path sealed
PrimitiveBatch struct
Privilege sealed
ScreenLabelPlacementEntry struct
ShaderSlot struct
TerrainLayer sealed
TinmanModule abstract
ValidatePath sealed
VertexElement sealed
XmlName struct

Base interface for classes that implement a comparison (less, equal, greater).

Public / Methods


public method CompareTo → (1)

other in : T

The object to compare to.

returns → int32

< 0 : if this object is less than other in,
= 0 : if this object is equal to other in,
> 0 : if this object is greater than other in.

Compares this object with the given one.