

interface Tinman.Terrain.Procedural.IScalarFunction

Derived from

INoiseFunctionOps<float64, IScalarFunction>

Extended by

ScalarFunction abstract

Base interface for classes that compute procedural scalar (i.e. 1D) noise values.

Public / Methods


public method Abs → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that returns the absolute value of this function.

result = | this |
  out  : [>=0]


public method Add → (1)

function in : IScalarFunction

The noise function to add.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that sums the noise values of the given function and this one.

result = this + function


public method Atan → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that computes the arc-tangent of the noise values returned by this noise function.

result = atan(this)
  out  : [-90..90] degrees


public method Clamp → (2)

minimum in : float64

The minimum noise value.

maximum in : float64

The maximum noise value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that clamps the noise values returned by this function to the specified number range.


public method Div → (1)

function in : IScalarFunction

The divisor noise function.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that divides the noise values returned by this function by the noise values returned by the given noise function.

result := this / function


public method Log → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that computes the logarithm base 10 of the noise values returned by this noise function.

result = log10(this)
  in   : [>0]


public method Max → (1)

function in : IScalarFunction

The noise function.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that returns the maximum of the noise values returned by this noise function and the noise values returned by the given noise function.

result := max(this, function)


public method Min → (1)

function in : IScalarFunction

The noise function.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that returns the minimum of the noise values returned by this noise function and the noise values returned by the given noise function.

result := min(this, function)


public method Mul → (1)

function in : IScalarFunction

The noise function.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that multiplies the noise values returned by this noise function with the noise values returned by the given noise function.

result := this * function


public method NaN → (3)

nan opt : float64 = 0

The replacement value for NaN (not-a-number).

neg opt : float64 = 0

The replacement value for negative infinity.

pos opt : float64 = 0

The replacement value for positive infinity.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that replaces bad number values produced by this noise function with the given values.


public method Neg → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that negates the values returned by this noise function.

result := -this


public method Pow → (1)

function in : IScalarFunction

The noise function.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that raises the noise values returned by this noise function to the power values returned by the given noise function.

result := this ^ function


public method Recip → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that computes the reciprocal of the values returned by this noise function.

result := 1 / this


public method Sin → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that computes the sine of the noise values returned by this noise function.

result = sin(this)
  in   : angle in degrees
  out  : [-1..1]


public method Spline → (3)

curve in : ICurve

The curve.

minimum in : float64

The noise value to map to the first curve control point.

maximum in : float64

The noise value to map to the last curve control point.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that maps the noise values returned by this noise function onto the given curve.

The given curve is assumed to be 1D, so only the X-coordinate is used. The noise values computed by this function are used as control point indices (see ICurve.Compute1D).


public method Sqr → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that computes the square value of the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := this ^ 2


public method Sqrt → ()

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that computes the square root of the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := this ^ 0.5


public method Sub → (1)

function in : IScalarFunction

The noise function.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that subtracts the noise values returned by the given noise function from the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := this - function



public static method Add → (1)

value in : float64

The absolute value to add.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that adds the given scalar value to the noise values returned by this function.

result := this + value


public static method Clamp → (1)

range in : RangeD

The number range.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that clamps the noise values returned by this function to the specified number range.


public static method ColorRamp → (1)

ramp in : IColorRamp

The color ramp to use.

returns → IColorFunction

The resulting color function.

Returns a noise function that computes color values from noise values using the given color ramp.


public static method Div → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar divisor value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that divides the noise values returned by this function by the given scalar value.

result := this / value


public static method DivInv → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar dividend value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that divides the given scalar value by the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := value / this


public static method Max → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar maximum value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that returns the maximum of the given scalar value and the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := max(this, value)


public static method Min → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar minimum value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that returns the minimum of the given scalar value and the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := min(this, value)


public static method Mul → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar value to multiply with.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that multiplies the noise values returned by this noise function with the given scalar value.

result := this * value


public static method MultiRidged → (5)

octaves in : int32

The number of octaves.

amplitude opt : float64 = 0.5

Factor to apply to amplitude when going to the next octave. The amplitude of the first octave is 1.

frequency opt : float64 = 2

Factor to apply to frequency when going to the next octave. The frequency of the first octave is 1.

offset opt : float64 = 1

The offset value.

gain opt : float64 = 2

The gain value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a multifractal noise function based on this noise function.


public static method MultiSum → (3)

octaves in : int32

The number of octaves.

amplitude opt : float64 = 0.5

Factor to apply to amplitude when going to the next octave. The amplitude of the first octave is 1.

frequency opt : float64 = 2

Factor to apply to frequency when going to the next octave. The frequency of the first octave is 1.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a multifractal noise function based on this noise function.


2 overloads

public static method Op1 → (2)

op in : ScalarFunctionOpCode

The operation to use.

other opt : IScalarFunction = null

The other noise function or null if op in is unary.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Applies the given function operator to this noise function and the given one (for binary operators only).

public static method Op2 → (2)

op in : ScalarFunctionOpCode

The operation to use.

value in : float64

The scalar value to combine with.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Applies the given function operator to this noise function and the given scalar value (for binary operators only).


public static method Pow → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar power value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that raises the noise values returned by this noise function to the given power.

result := this ^ value


public static method PowInv → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar value.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that raises the given scalar value to the power of the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := value ^ this


2 overloads

public static method Select1 → (10)

noise0 in : IScalarFunction

The noise function to blend at index 0.

noise1 in : IScalarFunction

The noise function to blend at index 1.

noise2 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 2 or null.

noise3 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 3 or null.

noise4 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 4 or null.

noise5 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 5 or null.

noise6 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 6 or null.

noise7 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 7 or null.

noise8 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 8 or null.

noise9 opt : IScalarFunction = null

The noise function to blend at index 9 or null.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that blends between this noise function and the given one using a third blend factor noise function.

public static method Select2 → (1)

noise in : IScalarFunction [ ]

The noise functions to blend.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that blends between this noise function and the given one using a third blend factor noise function.


public static method Sub → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar value to subtract.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that subtracts the given scalar value from the noise values returned by this noise function.

result := this - value


public static method SubInv → (1)

value in : float64

The scalar value to subtract from.

returns → IScalarFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that subtracts the noise values returned by this noise function from the given scalar value.

result := value - this


public static method Whirl → ()

returns → IVectorFunction

The resulting noise function.

Returns a noise function that computes offset vector for perturbing the input coordinates of other noise functions.