DatasetId Description struct Tinman.Terrain.Datasets.DatasetId Derived from IEquatable<DatasetId> IComparable<DatasetId> Uniquely identifiers a dataset. See also IDataset Public / Constants None public static readonly attribute None → (DatasetId) No dataset ID. Public / Constructors DatasetId public constructor DatasetId → (2) guid in : GUID The GUID which uniquely identifies the dataset. revision opt : int32 = 1 The logical data version of the dataset. Creates a new instance of DatasetId. Public / Attributes Guid public readonly attribute Guid → (GUID) The GUID which uniquely identifies the dataset. IsValid public attribute IsValid → (get) value : bool true if this dataset ID is valid, false if not (i.e. it is equal to None). Is this a valid dataset ID? Revision public readonly attribute Revision → (int32) The logical data version of the dataset. The revision number is incremented for each persistent update. Configuration Config public static attribute Config → (get) value : IConfigurator<DatasetId> [not-null] The configurator object. The configurator object for this type. DatasetFileCacheDelegate DatasetInfo