

static class Tinman.Terrain.Util.Transforms

Helper class for dealing with Transform values.

Public / Constants


public constant First → (Transform.None:Transform)

The Transform with the minimum ordinal value.

Use this constant to iterate over all transforms.


public constant Last → (Transform.DiagonalInv:Transform)

The Transform with the maximum ordinal value.

Use this constant to iterate over all transforms.

Public / Methods


public static method Combine → (2)

first in : Transform

The transform to apply first.

second in : Transform

The transform to apply second.

returns → Transform

The resulting transform.

Solves an equation for transform concatenation.

Given the following transform concatenation

result = first * second

this method computes result from the given values for first and second.


public static method FlipY → (1)

transform in : Transform

The original transform.

returns → Transform

The flipped transform.

Returns the transforms that corresponds to the given one in a coordinate system with a flipped Y-axis.


public static method FromMatrix → (4)

m11 in : float64

Matrix component in first row, first column.

m12 in : float64

Matrix component in first row, second column.

m21 in : float64

Matrix component in second row, first column.

m22 in : float64

Matrix component in second row, second column.

returns → int32

The Transform value or -1 if the matrix cannot be expressed with a simple transform.

Returns the transform that corresponds to the given matrix.

The input matrix has the following form:

/                 \
|  S(m11)  S(m12)  |
|  S(m21)  S(m22)  |
\                 /

where S(x) refers to the Maths.Sign1 function.


public static method Invert → (1)

transform in : Transform

The transform.

returns → Transform

The inverse transform.

Returns the inverse of the given transform in.


public static method SolveLeft → (2)

second in : Transform

The transform to apply second.

result in : Transform

The resulting transform.

returns → Transform

The transform to apply first.

Solves an equation for transform concatenation.

Given the following transform concatenation

result = first * second

this method computes first from the given values for second and result.


public static method SolveRight → (2)

first in : Transform

The transform to apply first.

result in : Transform

The resulting transform.

returns → Transform

The transform to apply second.

Solves an equation for transform concatenation.

Given the following transform concatenation

result = first * second

this method computes second from the given values for first and result.


public static method ToMat2D → (1)

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform.

returns → Mat2D

The matrix.

Converts the given 2D transform into a matrix, assuming that the coordinate origin is at (0|0).


public static method ToMat2F → (1)

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform.

returns → Mat2F

The matrix.

Converts the given 2D transform into a matrix, assuming that the coordinate origin is at (0|0).


public static method ToMat3D → (2)

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform.

center opt : Vec2D = default(Vec2D)

The coordinate origin.

returns → Mat3D

The matrix.

Converts the given 2D transform into a matrix, using the given coordinate origin.


public static method ToMat3F → (2)

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform.

center opt : Vec2F = default(Vec2F)

The coordinate origin.

returns → Mat3F

The matrix.

Converts the given 2D transform into a matrix, using the given coordinate origin.


public static method TransformPointD → (5)

in : float64

X-coordinate of point to transform.

in : float64

Y-coordinate of point to transform.

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform to apply.

anchorX opt : float64 = 0

X-coordinate of coordinate anchor.

anchorY opt : float64 = 0

Y-coordinate of coordinate anchor.

returns → Vec2D

The transformed point.

Transforms the given point using the specified 2D transform.


public static method TransformPointI → (5)

in : int32

X-coordinate of point to transform.

in : int32

Y-coordinate of point to transform.

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform to apply.

anchorX opt : int32 = 0

X-coordinate of coordinate anchor.

anchorY opt : int32 = 0

Y-coordinate of coordinate anchor.

returns → Vec2I

The transformed point.

Transforms the given point using the specified 2D transform.


public static method TransformPointL → (5)

in : int64

X-coordinate of point to transform.

in : int64

Y-coordinate of point to transform.

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform to apply.

anchorX opt : int64 = 0

X-coordinate of coordinate anchor.

anchorY opt : int64 = 0

Y-coordinate of coordinate anchor.

returns → Vec2L

The transformed point.

Transforms the given point using the specified 2D transform.


public static method TransformRectI → (5)

in : int32

X-coordinate of point to transform.

in : int32

Y-coordinate of point to transform.

transform in : Transform

The 2D transform to apply.

width in : int32

Width of the rectangle.

height in : int32

Height of the rectangle.

returns → Vec2I

The transformed point.

Transform the given point within the bounds of the specified rectangle.


public static method WillSwapAxes → (1)

transform in : Transform

The transform.

returns → bool

true if transform in swaps the X- and Y-axes, false if not.

Returns if the given Transform will swap the X- and Y-axes.



public static attribute Config → (get)

value : IConfigurator<Transform>

The configuration object.

The configurator object for this type.