

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Components.Lighting

The Lighting class defines global settings for controlling high-dynamic range lighting.

Public / Constructors


public constructor Lighting → ()

Creates a new instance of Lighting.

Public / Methods


public method Apply → (1)

parameters in : LightingParameters

The LightingParameters object to update.

Applies the current tone mapping coefficients.

This method sets the LightingParameters.Coefficient and LightingParameters.Scale properties.


public method Reset → ()

Resets the tone mapping coefficients to their default value, which produces the same result as lighting in the normalized range [0..1].

Public / Attributes


public attribute Ambient → (get,set)

value : float64

The environment map scale factor.

The scale factor to apply to the ambient diffuse lighting term that results from hemispheric sampling of the environment map.

Defaults to 1.

See also



public attribute Directional → (get,set)

value : float64

The directional lighting scale factor.

The scale factor to apply to the directional diffuse lighting term that results from the prominent light source of the environment map.

Defaults to 1.

See also



public attribute Emissive → (get,set)

value : float64

The emissive scale factor.

The scale factor to apply to the emissive lighting term.

Defaults to 1.


public attribute Exposure → (get,set)

value : float64

The exposure factor.

The exposure scale factor.

Color values are scaled by the exposure scale factor before applying the tone mapping:

colorHdr := input HDR color from physically-based rendering / image-based lighting
colorLdr := output LDR color for display

colorLdr = ToneMap(color * Exposure)

Defaults to 1.


public attribute Fog → (get,set)

value : float64

The fog scale factor.

The scale factor to apply to the fog lighting term.

Defaults to 1.


public attribute Occlusion → (get,set)

value : float64

The scale factor:
= 0 : full ambient lighting, without ambient occlusion
< 1 : ambient lighting, modulated with reduced ambient occlusion
= 1 : ambient lighting, modulated with actual ambient occlusion
> 1 : ambient lighting, modulated with exaggerated ambient occlusion

The scale factor for the ambient occlusion term.

Defaults to 1.


public attribute Specular → (get,set)

value : float64

The specular reflection scale factor.

The scale factor to apply to the specular reflection lighting term.

Defaults to 1.