

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Components.TerrainLayer

Derived from

Disposable abstract

The TerrainLayer class represents a layer of a terrain mesh.

Depending on the type, a terrain layer may represent one of the following:

Public / Constants


public constant SortIndexBase → (-1000:float32)

Sort index value (-1000) for the implicit layer of type TerrainLayerType.Base.


public constant SortIndexMaterial → (-0.5:float32)

Sort index value (-0.5) for the implicit layer of type TerrainLayerType.Material.


public constant SortIndexMaximum → (999:float32)

Maximum sort index value (999) for layers of type TerrainLayerType.Texture and TerrainLayerType.Region.


public constant SortIndexMinimum → (-999:float32)

Minimum sort index value (-999) for layers of type TerrainLayerType.Texture and TerrainLayerType.Region.

Public / Methods


public method TextureDirty → (1)

view in : TerrainView

The terrain view.

Clears the texture progress of this terrain layer in the given view in.

The texturing progress (see Texturing.Progress) is updated when the texturing batches are computed. This method may be called to clear the texture progress after the texturing parameters have been modified.


public method TextureProgress → (1)

view in : TerrainView

The terrain view.

returns → int32

The texturing progress, in percent.

Returns the progress of unique terrain texturing for the given view.

If this terrain layer is not used by the given view in, this method will return 100.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Flags → (get,set)

value : TerrainLayerFlags

The terrain layer flags.

The terrain layer flags.

Defaults to TerrainLayerFlags.None.


public attribute HasBase → (get)

value : bool

true if this layer renders the base terrain mesh with vertex colors,
false if not.

Does this layer show the base terrain mesh with vertex colors?


public attribute HasMaterials → (get)

value : bool

true if this layer renders terrain materials,
false if not.

Does this layer show terrain materials?


public attribute HasRegion → (get)

value : bool

true if this layer renders highlights for the regions of a dataset,
false if not.

Does this layer show highlights for the regions of a dataset?


public attribute HasTexture → (get)

value : bool

true if this layer renders unique terrain textures,
false if not.

Does this layer show unique terrain textures?


public attribute IsEmpty → (get)

value : bool

true if this terrain layer is empty, false if not.

Is this terrain layer empty, i.e. it does not show any data?


public attribute IsOpaque → (get)

value : bool

true if this terrain layer is opaque, false if not.

Is this terrain layer opaque, when rendered with a distance fade range of Fade.AlwaysOne?


public attribute Lighting → (get)

value : int32

The lighting style:
< 0 : lighting with per-vertex normal vectors (see Semantic.Normal).
= 0 : no lighting (see TerrainLayerFlags.NoLighting)
> 0 : lighting with normal-mapping (see TerrainSlotMapping.Normal).

Returns the lighting style of this layer.


public attribute Material → (get)

value : TerrainLayerMaterial

The settings object or null iff this layer is not of type TerrainLayerType.Material.

The terrain material settings.


public attribute Name → (get,set)

value : string

The layer name or null.

Human-readable name of this layer, for informational purposes only.


public attribute OpaqueMask → (get,set)

value : int32

The opaque mask.

Bitmask that determines when a sequence of layers is considered to be opaque.

Defaults to 0.


public attribute Prepare → (get,set)

value : bool

true to prepare the content of the terrain layer while invisible,
false to build it only while visible.

Prepare the content of the terrain layer when it is not visible?

Defaults to false.


public attribute Range → (get,set)

value : Fade

The layer distance fade range.

The distance range in which this terrain layer is visible.

Defaults to Fade.AlwaysOne, i.e. the layer is always visible.


public attribute Region → (get)

value : TerrainLayerRegion

The settings object or null iff this layer is not of type TerrainLayerType.Region.

The dataset region highlight settings.


public attribute SortIndex → (get)

value : float32

The layer sort index.

The sort index value of this terrain layer.

Layers with larger sort index values are rendered on top of those with smaller sort index values.


public attribute Texture → (get)

value : TerrainLayerTexture

The settings object or null iff this layer is not of type TerrainLayerType.Texture.

The terrain texture settings.


public attribute Type → (get)

value : TerrainLayerType

The layer type.

Returns the terrain layer type.


public attribute Visible → (get,set)

value : bool

true to show the terrain layer,
false to hide it.

Shall the terrain layer be visible?

Defaults to true.



public static readonly attribute Logger → (ILogger)

The logger object of this class.