- Derived from
The ApiEntry class represents a node in a tree which describes the structure of an API, using a textual format that is both machine-readable and human-understandable.
root := entry ; children := '{' (entry .. ',') '}' ; entry := name tags? types? value? children? ; name := name-parts ('.(' name-parts ')')? ('.#' digit+)? ; tags := '@' tag+ ; name-parts := id .. '.' ; tag := '[' id ']' | id ; types := ':' (id .. ',') ; id := letter (letter | digit)* ; digit := '0'..'9' ; letter := 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' ; value := '=' ]\r\n[+ ;
The Tinman 3D SDK uses the ApiEntry class to document the changes between releases of the Config API (see ConfigType) and the Native API (see CxCodeUnit).
Public / Constructors
Parses the given source in and builds a ApiEntry object.
- ValidatingException
If source in is malformed.
Public / Attributes
Returns the full name of this API entry.
The full name of an API entry is composed of the prefix part, the suffix part and the ordinal number:
NamePart1.(NamePart2.NamePart3)-#123 \_______/ \_________________/ \_/ prefix suffix ordinal
If there is no prefix part, the full name looks like this:
NamePart1.NamePart2.NamePart3-#123 \___________________________/ \_/ suffix ordinal
The ordinal number part is omitted if it is equal to zero:
NamePart1.NamePart2.NamePart3 \___________________________/ suffix
Returns the ordinal number of this API entry which is used to resolve ambiguities with other entries that have the same name prefix and suffix.
- See also
Returns the plain name of this API entry which neither includes braces to indicate the name suffix nor the name ordinal.
- See also