

sealed class Tinman.Engine.GUI.Components.DocumentBrowser

Derived from


A GUI component that displays a collection of documents.

The following default Layout settings are defined for DocumentBrowser objects:

Public / Constants


public constant LabelBack → ("Back":string)

Label of the button to navigate backwards.


public constant LabelForward → ("Forward":string)

Label of the button to navigate forwards.

Public / Constructors


public constructor DocumentBrowser → ()

Creates a new instance of DocumentBrowser.

Public / Methods


2 overloads

public method Content1 → (1)

documentIndex in : Path

Path to a text document (see TextDocument.FromFile) that holds the document index. The enclosing directory will be used as the document root path.

Specifies the content for the document browser.


If an I/O error has occurred while loading the text documents.


If the given file is not a valid text document (see TextDocument.FromString) or if the text document does not follow the rules for the table of contents of a document browser.

public method Content2 → (2)

documentIndex in : TextDocument

The text document that holds the document index.

documentRoot in : Path

The document root path.

Specifies the content for the document browser.


If an I/O error has occurred while loading the text documents.


If the text document does not follow the rules for the table of contents of a document browser.


public method HelpPath → (1)

helpId in : string

The help ID.

returns → Path

The document path or null if not found.

Returns the document path for the given help ID.

See also



public method Show → (2)

documentPath opt : Path = null

The document path.

anchor opt : string = null

Optional document anchor.

returns → bool

true if a new document is being shown,
false if the same document is still being shown.

Shows the given document.

Public / Attributes


public attribute ContentRoot → (get)

value : DataItem

The DataItem that represents the content root of the current document browser content.

Returns the content root item.

The returned DataItem should not be modified. Its properties may be interpreted as follows:

  • DataItem.Text
    The title of the document, as it appears in the navigation tree.

  • DataItem.UserData
    The canonical path to the document file (loadable with TextDocument.FromFile) that is associated with the node. Will be null iff the node does not have an associated document file.

  • DataItem.Children
    The node children represents the children in the navigation tree.


public attribute DefaultPath → (get)

value : Path

The default document or null iff no content has been specified yet.

Returns the path to the default document.