CsvWriter Description sealed class Tinman.Core.Formatting.CsvWriter Derived from Disposable abstract IFlushable Writes a text stream of comma-separated values (CSV). Public / Constructors CsvWriter public constructor CsvWriter → (3) stream in : ITextStream own [not-null] The stream to write to. format in : CsvFormat The CSV format. lineEnding opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF The line endings to emit. Creates a new instance of CsvWriter. File [OwnerReturn] public static method File → (4) path in : Path [not-null] Path to file to write. format in : CsvFormat The CSV format. encoding opt : CharacterEncoding = null The character encoding to use. If null, CharacterEncodingSimple.ISO_8859_1 will be used. lineEnding opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF The line endings to emit. returns → CsvWriter The CsvWriter object. Creates a new instance of CsvWriter. IOException If an I/O error has occurred. Public / Methods Comment public method Comment → (1) text in : string [not-null] The comment text (can be multi-line). Writes comment text. IOException If an I/O error has occurred. NewLine public method NewLine → () Begins a new line. IOException If an I/O error has occurred. Value public method Value → (1) value in : string The value to write. Writes a single value. IOException If an I/O error has occurred. CsvReader Format