

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Rendering.Util.Renderer

Derived from

Disposable abstract

The Renderer class provides methods for performing basic 3D drawing.

When IBeginEnd.Begin is called, the following properties are reset to their default value:

The calls to IBeginEnd.Begin and IBeginEnd.End may be nested.

Public / Constructors


public constructor Renderer → (1)

context in : IGraphicsContext

The graphics context to use.

Creates a new instance of Renderer.


If a graphics subsystem error has occurred.

Public / Methods


public method DrawBox → (3)

box in : Box3D

The box to draw.

colorFace in : int64

The color to use for faces.

colorLine in : int64

The color to use for lines.

Draws the given box.


public method DrawBoxSoup → (3)

boxSoup in : BoxSoup

The box soup to draw.

colorFace in : int64

The color to use for faces.

colorLine in : int64

The color to use for lines.

Draws the given box soup.


public method DrawCuboid → (3)

cuboid in : Cuboid

The cuboid to draw.

colorFace in : int64

The color to use for faces.

colorLine in : int64

The color to use for lines.

Draws the given cuboid.


public method DrawPrimitiveBegin → (1)

primitive in : Primitive

The primitive to render.

Begins to render a 3D primitive.


public method DrawPrimitiveEnd → ()

Finishes rendering of the current 3D primitive.


3 overloads

public method DrawPrimitiveVertex1 → (2)

in : Vec3D

Coordinate of vertex, in world-space.

color opt : int64 = Colors.White

The vertex color.

Specifies the next vertex for the current 3D primitive.

public method DrawPrimitiveVertex2 → (2)

in : Vec3F

Coordinate of vertex, in world-space.

color opt : int64 = Colors.White

The vertex color.

Specifies the next vertex for the current 3D primitive.

public method DrawPrimitiveVertex3 → (4)

in : float64

X-coordinate of vertex, in world-space.

in : float64

Y-coordinate of vertex, in world-space.

in : float64

Z-coordinate of vertex, in world-space.

color opt : int64 = Colors.White

The vertex color.

Specifies the next vertex for the current 3D primitive.


public method Fullscreen → ()

returns → Renderer


Sets the Bounds of this Renderer object to full-screen (i.e. the size of the current render target, see IGraphicsContext.Size).

Public / Attributes


public attribute Bounds → (get,set)

value : Box2I

The screen bounds.

The screen bounds of this renderer object on the render target of the graphics context.


public attribute Parameters → (get)

value : RendererParameters

The renderer parameters.

Returns the renderer parameters.