

abstract class Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.TexelBuffer

TexelBuffer objects are used to generate texel data for updating textures.

See also


Public / Constructors


public static method FromBase85 → (1)

value in : string

The base-85 encoded TXB file.

returns → TexelBuffer

The decoded buffer.

Decodes a buffer from the given base-85 encoded TXB file.


If value in is malformed.


3 overloads

public static method ReadTXB1 → (2)

file in : Path

The input file.

gamma opt : bool = true

Perform gamma correction?

returns → TexelBuffer

The TexelBuffer object.

Reads a texel buffer in TXB file format from the given file.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public static method ReadTXB2 → (2)

stream in : IDataStream own

The input data stream.

gamma opt : bool = true

Perform gamma correction?

returns → TexelBuffer

The TexelBuffer object.

Reads a texel buffer in TXB file format from the given data stream.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public static method ReadTXB3 → (3)

reader in : IBinaryReader

The binary reader.

pathInfo opt : IPathInfo = null

Optional IPathInfo object to use for error reporting.

gamma opt : bool = true

Perform gamma correction?

returns → TexelBuffer

The TexelBuffer object.

Reads a texel buffer in TXB file format from the given binary reader.


If an I/O error has occurred.

Public / Methods


3 overloads

[OwnerReturn] [OwnerThis]
public method Convert1 → (2)

format in : TextureFormat

The target format.

srgb in : bool

The sRGB flag of the returned texel buffer.

returns → TexelBuffer

The converted texel buffer, which may be this.

Converts this texel buffer to the given format.

[OwnerReturn] [OwnerThis]
public method Convert2 → (2)

width in : int32

The new width, in texels.

height in : int32

The new height, in texels.

returns → TexelBuffer

The scaled texel buffer.

Scales this texel buffer to the given dimensions, without converting the format.

[OwnerReturn] [OwnerThis]
public method Convert3 → (4)

width in : int32

The new width, in texels.

height in : int32

The new height, in texels.

format in : TextureFormat

The target format or null to use the format of this texel buffer.

srgb in : bool

The sRGB flag of the returned texel buffer.

returns → TexelBuffer

The scaled texel buffer.

Scales this texel buffer to the given dimensions while converting it to the given format.


public method CopyBytes → (8)

target in : ByteBuffer

The target buffer.

targetBlockStride in : int32

The target buffer stride, in bytes. This value gives the distance between two adjacent texel block rows.

targetX opt : int32 = 0

X-coordinate of top-left texel in target buffer.

targetY opt : int32 = 0

Y-coordinate of top-left texel in target buffer.

sourceY opt : int32 = 0

Index of first texel block row in source buffer.

sourceH opt : int32 = -1

Number of texel blocks rows in source buffer. If negative, all remaining texel block rows are used.

sourceX opt : int32 = 0

Index of first texel block column in source buffer.

sourceW opt : int32 = -1

Number of texel block columns in source buffer. If negative, all remaining texel block columns are used.

Copies texel data to the given buffer.

The given target X- and Y-coordinates must be a multiple of the texture format block size (see TextureFormat.BlockSize).


public method CopyTexels → (3)

target in : TexelBuffer

The target buffer.

targetX opt : int32 = 0

X-coordinate to top-left corner of target region.

targetY opt : int32 = 0

Y-coordinate to top-left corner of target region.

Copies all samples from this buffer to the given one.

The given target X- and Y-coordinates must be a multiple of the texture format block size (see TextureFormat.BlockSize).


public static method FromConfigEmbedded → (1)

value in : ConfigValue

The config value.

returns → int8 [ ]

The embedded TXB file.

Returns the embedded TXB file from the given config value.


If value in is invalid.


If the embedded TXB data is invalid.


public static method ImportPixels → (5)

input in : IImage

The input image.

format in : TextureFormat

The texture format.

mipmaps opt : int32 = 0

Number of mipmap levels to compute. If 0, all mipmap levels will be computed.

path opt : Path = null

Output path of texture file. If null, the file path of input in will be used, having the file suffix replaced with .txb.

srgb opt : bool = true

The ISrgb.Srgb flag of the importing texel buffer.

returns → IOperation

The import operation.

Returns an operation that imports image pixels into a TXB texture file.


public method MipmapAt → (1)

level in : int32

The mipmap level.

returns → TexelBuffer

The mipmap level.

Returns the mipmap at the given level.


public method PixelDecode → (3)

target in : ColorBuffer

The color buffer that holds the decoded pixels.

targetX opt : int32 = 0

X-coordinate of top-left target pixel.

targetY opt : int32 = 0

Y-coordinate of top-left target pixel.

Decodes the texels in this buffer into the given pixel buffer.

See also



public method PixelEncode → (3)

source in : ColorBuffer

The color buffer that holds the source pixels.

sourceX opt : int32 = 0

X-coordinate of top-left source pixel.

sourceY opt : int32 = 0

Y-coordinate of top-left source pixel.

Encodes a block of pixels into this texel buffer.

If the given color buffer is too small (see ITexelBufferInfo.Width and ITexelBufferInfo.Height), it will be padded with Colors.Zero to fill the texel buffer, using ColorBuffer.PadColor.

See also



public method PixelEncodeMipmaps → (2)

pixels in : ColorBuffer

The pixel buffer.

filter opt : DownsampleFilter = DownsampleFilter.Average

The filter to use for downsampling.

Encodes the given pixels and fills all texels in all mipmap levels.

If the given pixel buffer is too small (see ITexelBufferInfo.Width and ITexelBufferInfo.Height), its right and bottom edges will be duplicated to fill the texel buffer, using ColorBuffer.PadEdges.

See also



public method RawTexelsSize → (2)

stride opt : int32 = 0

The stride, in bytes. If 0, RawTexelsStride will be used.

blocks opt : int32 = 0

The number of block rows. If 0, the total number of block rows will be used.

returns → int32

The texel buffer size, in bytes.

Returns the size of the texel buffer.

The following figure shows the case when stride opt is smaller than RawTexelsSize, which is used when copying a part of the texel buffer:

+---+---+---+---+   bytesPerBlock   = Format.BytesPerBlock
| X | X | ! | ! |   RawTexelsStride = 4 * bytesPerBlock
+---+---+---+---+   stride          = 2 * bytesPerBlock
| X | X | ! | ! |   blocks          = 3
| X | X |           X := texel block
+---+---+           ! := skipped texel block (not read)

This figure shows the case when stride opt is greater than RawTexelsSize, which is used to copy the texel buffer contents to a larger buffer:

+---+---+---+---+   bytesPerBlock   = Format.BytesPerBlock
| X | X | X | . |   RawTexelsStride = 3 * bytesPerBlock
+---+---+---+---+   stride          = 4 * bytesPerBlock
| X | X | X | . |   blocks          = 3
| X | X | X |       X := texel block
+---+---+---+       . := skipped texel block (not written)


3 overloads

public static method ReadTXBInfo1 → (1)

file in : Path

The input file.

returns → ITexelBufferInfo

The texel buffer metadata.

Reads a texel buffer metadata in TXB file format from the given file.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public static method ReadTXBInfo2 → (1)

stream in : IDataStream own

The input data stream.

returns → ITexelBufferInfo

The texel buffer metadata.

Reads a texel buffer metadata in TXB file format from the given data stream.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public static method ReadTXBInfo3 → (2)

reader in : IBinaryReader

The binary reader.

pathInfo opt : IPathInfo = null

Optional IPathInfo object to use for error reporting.

returns → ITexelBufferInfo

The texel buffer metadata.

Reads a texel buffer metadata in TXB file format from the given binary reader.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public method ToBase85 → ()

returns → string

The encoded base-85 string.

Encodes this buffer as a TXB file with base-85.


public method ToColorBuffer → ()

returns → ColorBuffer

The color buffer.

Helper method that converts this texel buffer into a new compact color buffer.


public method ToColorBufferOwn → ()

returns → ColorBuffer

The color buffer.

Helper method that converts this texel buffer into a new compact color buffer.


public static method ToConfigEmbedded → (1)

txb in : int8 [ ]

The embedded TXB file.

returns → ConfigValue

The config value.

Returns a config value for an embedded TXB file.


3 overloads

public method WriteTXB1 → (1)

file in : Path

The output file.

Writes the texel data in this buffer to the given file, using the TXB file format.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public method WriteTXB2 → (1)

stream in : IDataStream own

The output data stream.

Writes the texel data in this buffer to the given data stream, using the TXB file format.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public method WriteTXB3 → (1)

writer in : IBinaryWriter

The output data stream.

Writes the texel data in this buffer to the given binary writer, using the TXB file format.


If an I/O error has occurred.

Public / Attributes


public attribute HeightAligned → (get)

value : int32

The buffer height, always a multiple of the block size.

The texel buffer height aligned with the format block size.


public attribute Mipmap → (get)

value : TexelBuffer

The next smaller mipmap level buffer or null if this texel buffer is the last one in the mipmap chain.

Returns the next smaller mipmap level of this texel buffer.


public attribute RawTexels → (get)

value : IntPtr

Pointer to first texel.

Returns a pointer to the first texel.


public attribute RawTexelsStride → (get)

value : int32

The stride, in bytes.

Returns the stride of RawTexels.

The stride is the byte size of one row of texel blocks (see TextureFormat.BlockSize).


public attribute WidthAligned → (get)

value : int32

The buffer width, always a multiple of the block size.

The texel buffer width, aligned with the format block size.

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor TexelBuffer → (4)

width in : int32

The buffer width, in texels.

height in : int32

The buffer height, in texels.

format in : TextureFormat

The texture format.

mipmap in : TexelBuffer own

Texel buffer of next mipmap or null.

Creates a new instance of TexelBuffer.

Protected / Methods


protected abstract method BufferDecodeInternal → (6)

input in : ByteBuffer

The encoded input texture data.

in : int32

X-coordinate of top-left output texel.

in : int32

Y-coordinate of top-left output texel.

width in : int32

Width of output texel block.

height in : int32

Height of output texel block.

temp in : ByteBuffer

A temporary byte buffer that has been returned by BufferTemp, may be null.

Decodes a block of texels from the storage format.


If the binary format input in is malformed.


protected abstract method BufferEncodeInternal → (6)

output in : ByteBuffer

The encoded output texture data.

in : int32

X-coordinate of top-left input texel.

in : int32

Y-coordinate of top-left input texel.

width in : int32

Width of input texel block.

height in : int32

Height of input texel block.

temp in : ByteBuffer

A temporary byte buffer that has been returned by BufferTemp, may be null.

returns → int32

>0 : The number of bytes that have been written to output in.
<0 : The output buffer is too small, at least -1-n bytes are required, where n is the return value.

Encodes a block of texels into the storage format.

The storage format must be dependent on the native byte-order (see ByteBuffer.NativeOrder). The storage format may include additional compression techniques, for example RangeCompression.


protected virtual method BufferTemp → ()

returns → ByteBuffer

The temporary buffer or null.

Creates the temporary buffer to use for BufferDecodeInternal resp. BufferEncodeInternal.

The default implementation returns null.


protected abstract method PixelDecodeInternal → (3)

target in : ColorBuffer

The color buffer that holds the decoded pixels.

targetX in : int32

X-coordinate of top-left target pixel.

targetY in : int32

Y-coordinate of top-left target pixel.

Decodes the texels in this buffer into the given pixel buffer.

See also



protected abstract method PixelEncodeInternal → (3)

source in : ColorBuffer

The color buffer that holds the source pixels.

sourceX in : int32

X-coordinate of top-left source pixel.

sourceY in : int32

Y-coordinate of top-left source pixel.

Encodes a block of pixels into this texel buffer.

See also


Protected / Attributes


protected readonly attribute bitsPerTexel → (int32)

Number of bits per texel.


protected attribute format → (TextureFormat)

The texture format.


protected readonly attribute height → (int32)

The buffer height, in texels.


protected readonly attribute heightAligned → (int32)

The buffer height, aligned with the block size, in texels.


protected readonly attribute mipmaps → (int32)

The number of mipmap levels (including this).


protected attribute srgb → (bool)

Does this texel buffer store compressed sRGB pixel channel values?


protected readonly attribute stride → (int32)

Distance between scanlines, in bytes.


protected attribute texels → (ByteBuffer)

The texel buffer.


protected readonly attribute width → (int32)

The buffer width, in texels.


protected readonly attribute widthAligned → (int32)

The buffer width, aligned with the block size, in texels.



public static attribute Config → (get)

value : IConfigurator<TexelBuffer>

The configurator object.

The configurator object for this type.