Choice Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.GUI.Components.Choice Derived from Component abstract Displays a single-selection list of choice options. The following default Layout settings are defined for Choice objects: Layout.Default Component.LayoutAlign: Anchor.Base Component.LayoutFill: Axis.Horizontal Public / Constants Class public static readonly attribute Class → (StyleClass) The style class for Choice. Public / Constructors Choice public constructor Choice → (1) options opt : IVector<ChoiceOption> = null The initial choice options or null. Creates a new instance of Choice. Public / Attributes Flat public attribute Flat → (get,set) value : bool true to use the flat horizontal layout, false to use the vertical list layout. Use flat horizontal layout instead of vertical list of choices? Defaults to false. Options public attribute Options → (get,set) value : IVector<ChoiceOption> [not-null] The choice options. The choice options. SelectedIndex public attribute SelectedIndex → (get,set) value : int32 The selected choice option index or -1 for none. The zero-based index of the currently selected choice option. SelectedOption public attribute SelectedOption → (get,set) value : ChoiceOption The choice option or null for none. The selected choice option. BoxLayout ChoiceOption