

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Scenes.Shapes.RunwayBuilder

Derived from

MarkingBuilder abstract

Helper class for building vector shapes for runways (pavement and markings), according to the rules defined by AC 150/5340-1L of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):

The created shapes have the following layout resp. coordinate system:

| \   \   \ ||           || =========                           ====             #######
|  \   \   \||           || =========   #########               ==== ====        #######
|   \   \   ||           || =========   ##     ##               ==== ==== ====
Z    +   +  |Y -->  -->  X| =========   #########   ---------                            C
|   /   /   ||           || =========                           ==== ==== ====
|  /   /   /||           || =========   #########               ==== ====        #######
| /   /   / ||           || =========                           ====             #######
   Stopway     Displaced    Threshold   Designation Centerline  Touchdown Zone   Aiming
  Blast Pad    Threshold    Markings    Marking                 Markings         Point
                         ^                                                               ^
                         Runway threshold                                Coordinate origin

X := Runway Threshold (coordinate origin)
Y := Displaced Threshold
C := Runway center

The points Z, Y and C have an Y-coordinate of zero (positive Y is up). The point X has lies at the coordinate origin. The point C has an X coordinate equal to LengthRunway. Two sets of markings need to be generated for each runway, one for each threshold.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Designation → (get,set)

value : string

The designation or null.

The runway designation.

A valid runway designation has the following form:

designation := digit digit? letter? ;
digit       := '0' .. '9' ;
letter      := 'L' | 'R' | 'C' ;

Defaults to null.


public attribute Flags → (get,set)

value : RunwayFlags

The runway flags.

The flags to use for building the runway shapes.

Defaults to RunwayFlags.None.


public attribute LengthDisplacedThreshold → (get,set)

value : float64

The length, in feet.

Length of displaced threshold, in feet.

The length is measured from the runway threshold to the displaced threshold (i.e. |X - Y|).

Defaults to 0.


public attribute LengthRunway → (get,set)

value : float64

The length, in feet.

Length of usable runway, in feet.

The length is measured from the coordinate origin to the runway threshold (i.e. |O - X|).

Defaults to 0.


public attribute LengthStopWay → (get,set)

value : float64

The length, in feet

Length of stop-way resp. blast pad, in feet.

The length is measured from the displaced threshold to the pavement end (i.e. |Y - Z|).

Defaults to 0.


public attribute WidthCenterLine → (get,set)

value : float64

The width, in feet.

Width of runway center-line, in feet.

These are the standard center-line widths:

  • 3 feet for precision runways

  • 1.5 feet for non-precision runways

  • 1 foot for visual runways

Defaults to 0.


public attribute WidthPavement → (get,set)

value : float64

The width, in feet

Width of pavement, in feet.

Defaults to 0.


public attribute WidthUsable → (get,set)

value : float64

The width, in feet.

Width of usable runway, in feet.

These are the standard runway widths:

  • 60 feet

  • 75 feet

  • 100 feet

  • 150 feet

  • 200 feet

Defaults to 0.