

sealed class Tinman.Core.Threading.RingBuffer

Derived from

Disposable abstract

A ring buffer management structure, without any actual data storage.

Public / Constructors


public constructor RingBuffer → (2)

capacity in : int32

The buffer capacity.

monitor opt : Monitor own = null

The monitor for thread synchronization. If null, a private monitor will be created.

Creates a new instance of RingBuffer.

All methods of RingBuffer must only be called when the calling thread owns the given monitor opt.

Public / Methods


public method Begin → ()

Calls the IBeginEnd.Begin method on the Monitor object that belongs to this RingBuffer.


public method End → ()

Calls the IBeginEnd.End method on the Monitor object that belongs to this RingBuffer.


public method Notify → ()

Calls the IBeginEndSync.NotifyWaiting method on the Monitor object that belongs to this RingBuffer.


public method Read → (1)

opt : int32 = 1

The number of buffer elements that will be read.

returns → int32

The buffer element index.

Reads a single buffer element.


public method ReadFinish → ()

Finished reading all available buffer elements.

After this method returns, the Notify method must be called.


public method Wait → ()

Calls the IBeginEndSync.WaitForNotify method on the Monitor object that belongs to this RingBuffer.


public method Write → (1)

opt : int32 = 1

The number of buffer elements that will be written.

returns → int32

The buffer index of the first element to write.

Writes a number of buffer elements.


public method WriteFinish → ()

Finishes writing a number of buffer elements.

After this method returns, the Notify method must be called.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Readable → (get)

value : int32

The number of readable buffer elements.

Returns the number of readable buffer elements.


public attribute Writeable → (get)

value : int32

The number of writeable buffer elements.

Returns the number of writeable buffer elements.