

sealed class Tinman.Core.Database.SimpleBlockIndex
<T : IComparable<T>>

Derived from

BlockIndex<T, T>

An subclass of BlockIndex for identical key and value types that additionally support comparison.

Public / Constructors


public static method Create → (3)

storage in : BlockStorage

The persistent block storage.

format in : IBlockIndexFormat<T>

The index format for mapping keys/values.

rootLocation in : BlockIdSlot

The block index root storage location.

returns → SimpleBlockIndex<T>

The created BlockIndex object.

Creates a new block index in the given block storage.

The returned block index belongs to storage in and will be disposed with it.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method New → (4)

create in : bool

Create a new block index or open an existing one?

storage in : BlockStorage

The persistent block storage.

format in : IBlockIndexFormat<T>

The index format for mapping keys/values.

rootLocation in : BlockIdSlot

The block index root storage location.

returns → SimpleBlockIndex<T>

The created BlockIndex object.

Creates a new block index in the given block storage.

The returned block index belongs to storage in and will be disposed with it.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method Open → (3)

storage in : BlockStorage

The persistent block storage.

format in : IBlockIndexFormat<T>

The index format for mapping keys/values.

root in : BlockIdSlot

The block index root storage location.

returns → SimpleBlockIndex<T>

The created BlockIndex object.

Opens an existing block index in the given block storage.

The returned block index belongs to storage in and will be disposed with it.


If an I/O error has occurred.