GeorefException Description sealed class Tinman.Terrain.Georef.GeorefException Derived from TinmanException Base exception class for geo-referencing module. Public / Constructors BadGeoref public static method BadGeoref → (2) source in : string Error source tag. message opt : string = null Optional error message. returns → GeorefException The ready-to-throw exception. The provided geo-reference is not applicable to the intended usage. MissingParameter public static method MissingParameter → (2) source in : string Error source tag. parameter in : CoordinateOperationParameter The parameter object. returns → GeorefException The ready-to-throw exception. A required CoordinateOperationParameter cannot be found. NoSuchGeoObject public static method NoSuchGeoObject → (2) source in : string Error source tag. key in : GeoObjectId The geo object key. returns → GeorefException The ready-to-throw exception. A geo object cannot be found in the geo registry. UnsupportedMetadata public static method UnsupportedMetadata → (2) source in : string Error source tag. what in : string Description of what is not supported. returns → GeorefException The ready-to-throw exception. A piece of geo-referencing metadata is not supported. GeodeticDatum GeorefInfo