

sealed class Tinman.Core.Threading.Thread

Derived from

Disposable abstract

The Thread represents a background thread.

To create and run a background thread, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Creates a new instance of Thread.

  2. Configure the optional Argument and Name properties.

  3. Set the thread main function with ThreadMain.

  4. Call the Start method to initialize and run the background thread.

  5. Configure the LogOnError and Priority properties at any time during the threads lifetime.

  6. Call the Stop method to tell the background thread to terminate gracefully.

  7. Call the Join method to actually wait until the thread has terminated.

  8. Finally, dispose the thread to free up system resources. Upon disposal, the Stop and Join method will be called.

The Create method can be used as a shortcut for steps 1, 2, 3 and 5.

Public / Constructors


public static method Create → (4)

name in : string

Name of the background thread.

main in : IThreadMain own

The thread main method.

argument opt : object = null

Optional parameter to pass to thread main method.

priority opt : ThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.Normal

The thread priority.

returns → Thread

The running Thread object.

Creates a background thread.

The new thread is initially suspended and must be started with Start.


public constructor Thread → ()

Creates a new instance of Thread.

Public / Methods


public static method DisposeAll → (1)

threads in : IEnumerable<Thread> own

The threads.

Calls Stop on each of the given threads and then disposes them.


public method Join → (1)

wait opt : bool = true

Wait for thread to terminate?

returns → bool

true if the thread has terminated, false if it is still running (can only happen if wait opt is false).

Waits until this thread has terminated.

If the thread has already been terminated, the method returns silently.


public static method Sleep → (1)

milliSeconds opt : int32 = 0

The number of milliseconds to sleep.

Suspends the calling thread for the given amount of time.


public method Start → ()

Starts this thread.

The method creates a new background thread which will execute the Run method of the given IThreadMain object (see ThreadMain property).

If the thread has already been started, the method silently returns.


public method Stop → ()

Stops the thread.

The thread will be signalled to stop. It will not have been terminated when this method returns. Use the Join method for waiting for the termination of the thread.

If the thread has already been stopped, the method returns silently.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Argument → (get,set)

value : object

The argument object.

The argument object to pass to the thread main method.

The argument object may only be set before Start is called.

Defaults to null.

See also



public attribute Error → (get)

value : TinmanError

The TinmanError object or null.

The error info of the exception that has occurred in the Run method of the threads main method (see IThreadMain).


public attribute IsAlive → (get)

value : bool

true if this thread is running, false if it is not.

Returns if this thread is running.


public attribute LogOnError → (get,set)

value : bool

true to output a log message, false to fail silently (i.e. the owning code is responsible for error processing, see Error).

Output a log message when the thread terminates due to an unhandled exception?

Defaults to true.


public attribute Name → (get,set)

value : string

The thread name.

The thread name.

The thread name may only be set before Start is called.

Defaults to null.


public attribute Priority → (get,set)

value : ThreadPriority

The thread priority.

Gets or sets the thread priority.

Defaults to ThreadPriority.Normal.


public attribute ThreadMain → (get,set)

value : IThreadMain

The thread main method.

Gets or sets the thread main method.

The thread main method must be set before Start is called.



public static readonly attribute Logger → (ILogger)

The logger object of this class.