Base interface for classes that represent a spatial scene query.
The Filter*
methods can be used to modify the spatial query, in order to produce different results. The Execute method will execute the query. The Result*
methods can be used to access the query results.
- See also
Public / Methods
Retains only those query result groups that contain at least one result for each type in the given type mask in.
- See also
Retains only those intermediate query results which have a type (see ISceneQueryResult.Type) that is included in the given type mask in.
- See also
Retains only those intermediate query results whose query distance range (see ISceneQueryResult.Distance) intersects with the given range in.
- See also
Retains only those intermediate query results for which the given query mask matches (see ISceneObject.QueryMask).
- See also
Retains only the nearest elements in each result group.
When the nearest filter is active, the smallest distance range end (i.e. RangeD.End of ISceneQueryResult.Distance) of all added intermediate query results is tracked. The set of nearest elements is then defined as those query results that have a distance range start (see RangeD.Start of ISceneQueryResult.Distance) that is not greater than the smallest distance range end.
- See also