- Derived from
Represents a mutable JSON value.
A formatted JSON value must be written in the following Grammar:
json := value ; array := '[' (value .. ',')? ']' ; member := string ':' value ; object := '{' (comment* member .. ',')? '}' ; value := 'false' | 'null' | 'true' | object | array | number | string ; string := '"' (no-chars+ | escape)* '"' ; escape := '\\' (["/\\bfnrt] | 'u' hexdigit[4]) ; hexdigit := 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | digit ; number := '-'? ('0' | '1'..'9' digit*) ('.' digit+)? (('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-')? digit+)? ; comment := '//' ' '? ]\n\r[* '\r'? '\n' ; digit := '0'..'9' ; no-chars := ]\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0B\x0C\r\x0E\x0F\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F"\\[ ;
The following methods may be used to set the value, changing the value type:
The following methods may be used to build array values, changing the value type to array
The following methods may be used to build object values, changing the value type to object
The IJsonValue interface may be used to pass around read-only references to JsonValue objects.
Public / Constants
The JSON value for the empty string.
This is not a singleton value, there may be other JsonValue objects that are equal to this one.
- See also
The false
JSON value.
This is not a singleton value, there may be other JsonValue objects that are equal to this one.
- See also
The null
JSON value.
This is not a singleton value, there may be other JsonValue objects that are equal to this one.
- See also
The true
JSON value.
This is not a singleton value, there may be other JsonValue objects that are equal to this one.
- See also
Public / Constructors
2 overloads
Creates a JsonValue from the given text.
- ValidatingException
If the given source code text in is malformed.
- See also
Creates a new instance of JsonValue.
Creates a JsonValue from the given file.
The given file in is expected to be in UTF-8 encoding, without BOM.
- IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
- ValidatingException
If the given file in contains malformed source code.
- See also
Public / Methods
6 overloads
Appends an array element value to this JSON value.
- See also
Appends an array element value to this JSON value.
- See also
Appends an array element value to this JSON value.
- See also
Appends an array element value to this JSON value.
- See also
Appends an array element value to this JSON value.
- See also
Appends an array element value to this JSON value.
- See also
Turns this JSON value into an array with elements.
This method may be used when building a JSON array from a known number of elements, in order to make sure that the underlying collection has the optimal capacity.
- See also
6 overloads
Sets an object member of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets an object member of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets an object member of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets an object member of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets an object member of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets an object member of this JSON value.
- See also
Turns this JSON value into an object with members.
This method may be used when building a JSON object from a known number of members, in order to make sure that the underlying collection has the optimal capacity.
- See also
6 overloads
Sets the value of this JSON value to null
- See also
Sets the value of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets the value of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets the value of this JSON value.
- See also
Sets the value of this JSON value.
The JSON specification does not include infinity or not-a-number. These will be replaced as follows:
- See also
Sets the value of this JSON value.
- See also
Trims the capacity of the member list resp. element array to the actual number of items.
This method can be used after building a JsonValue and before passing it around as a read-only IJsonValue, in order to make sure that no memory is wasted in the underlying collections.