

class Tinman.AddOns.Pyramids.BingMapsPyramid

Derived from

HttpPyramid abstract

Full source code is included in the Tinman 3D SDK download.

An implementation of the IPixelPyramid interface that accesses the BingMaps satellite imagery via HTTP.

By using this class, you explicitly agree to and obey the Microsoft Bing Maps Platform APIs Terms Of Use, which can be found here:

Public / Constructors


2 overloads

public constructor BingMapsPyramid1 → (1)

http opt : ISimpleHttp own = null

The custom ISimpleHttp object to use.

Creates a new instance of BingMapsPyramid.

When this constructor is used, the relation between pyramid levels (see PyramidCoords.Level) and BingMaps zoom-levels is:

pyramidLevel = zoomLevel

public constructor BingMapsPyramid2 → (2)

apiKey in : string

The Bing Maps API key to use.

http opt : ISimpleHttp own = null

The custom ISimpleHttp object to use.

Creates a new instance of BingMapsPyramid.

When this constructor is used, the relation between pyramid levels (see PyramidCoords.Level) and BingMaps zoom-levels is:

pyramidLevel = zoomLevel - 1

Public / Methods


public method Session → (1)

start in : bool

Start a new session (true) or end the current session (false)?

returns → bool

true if subsequent requests will use a session key, false if not.

Starts or ends a BingMaps session.

Understanding Bing Maps Transactions



public static attribute Config → (get)

value : IConfigurator<IPixelPyramid>

The configurator object.

The configurator object for this type.