

interface Tinman.Core.Parsing.ICodeOutput

Extended by

ApiEntry sealed
ConfigNode abstract
ConfigValue abstract
CxNode abstract
DirectX11ShaderInfo sealed
DirectX12ShaderInfo sealed
DirectX9ShaderInfo sealed
TinmanError sealed
XmlNode abstract

Base interface for classes that produce source code.

Public / Methods


public method WriteSourceCode → (2)

writer in : SourceCodeWriter

The source code writer to use.

context in : Context

Context information.

Produces source code by feeding the given source code writer.


If an I/O error occurs while emitting source code to writer in.



6 overloads

public static method ToSourceCode1 → ()

returns → string

The source code.

Generates source code for this object.

public static method ToSourceCode2 → (1)

escape in : ICharacterEscape

Optional character escape rule to use, see SourceCodeWriter.Escape.

returns → string

The source code.

Generates source code for this object.

public static method ToSourceCode3 → (2)

newlineToken in : LineEnding

The string token that represents a line break.

escape opt : ICharacterEscape = null

Optional character escape rule to use, see SourceCodeWriter.Escape.

returns → string

The source code.

Generates source code for this object.

public static method ToSourceCode4 → (3)

indentToken in : string

See SourceCodeWriter.IndentToken.

newlineToken opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF

The string token that represents a line break.

escape opt : ICharacterEscape = null

Optional character escape rule to use, see SourceCodeWriter.Escape.

returns → string

The source code.

Generates source code for this object.

public static method ToSourceCode5 → (4)

autoBreakColumns in : int32

See SourceCodeWriter.AutoBreakColumns.

indentToken opt : string = "  "

See SourceCodeWriter.IndentToken.

newlineToken opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF

The string token that represents a line break.

escape opt : ICharacterEscape = null

Optional character escape rule to use, see SourceCodeWriter.Escape.

returns → string

The source code.

Generates source code for this object.

public static method ToSourceCode6 → (5)

context in : Context

The context object to use or null.

autoBreakColumns opt : int32 = 100

See SourceCodeWriter.AutoBreakColumns.

indentToken opt : string = "  "

See SourceCodeWriter.IndentToken.

newlineToken opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF

The string token that represents a line break.

escape opt : ICharacterEscape = null

Optional character escape rule to use, see SourceCodeWriter.Escape.

returns → string

The source code.

Generates source code for this object.