

sealed class Tinman.Gpu.Semantic.TessellateVertexShaderAttribute

Derived from

TessellateShader abstract

A Tessellation Vertex Shader (TV).

The method body must have the following specific syntactic form:

[TessellateVertexShader(?, ?, ?, COUNT)]
public static OUTPUT NAME(PATCH data, POINT[] points, float3 domain)
  OUTPUT result;
  return result;

The placeholders have the following meaning:

  • COUNT :
    The number of patch control-points.

  • OUTPUT :
    A stage parameter struct that holds the final data of a tessellated vertex. Must be named 'result'.

  • NAME :
    The name of the Tessellation Vertex shader.

  • PATCH :
    A stage parameter struct that holds the constant patch data. Must be named 'data'.

  • POINT :
    A stage parameter struct that holds a patch control-point. Must be named 'points'.

Public / Constructors


public constructor TessellateVertexShaderAttribute → (4)

topology in : int32

See TessellateShaderAttribute.Topology.

primitive in : int32

See TessellateShaderAttribute.Primitive.

scheme in : int32

See TessellateShaderAttribute.Scheme.

count in : int32

See Count.

Creates a new instance of TessellateVertexShader.

Public / Attributes


public readonly attribute Count → (int32)

The number of patch control-points.