

static class Tinman.Core.Formatting.FormattingUtil

Helper class for dealing with Unicode characters.

Public / Methods


public static method FormatBytes → (1)

bytes in : int64

The binary size, in bytes.

returns → string

The formatted size string.

Formats the given binary size using up to four decimal digits.

The following units are used:

  • 'b': byte

  • 'kb': kilo-byte (2^10)

  • 'mb': mega-byte (2^20)

  • 'gb': giga-byte (2^30)

  • 'tb': tera-byte (2^40)

  • 'pb': peta-byte (2^50)

  • 'eb': exa-byte (2^60)


public static method FormatDegrees → (1)

value in : float64

The angle value, in degrees.

returns → string

The formatted angle value.

Formats an angle value: '123°'


public static method FormatMetric → (1)

length in : float64

The length, in metres.

returns → string

The formatted length string.

Formats the given metric length in a readable way (e.g. '10.5 cm').

The metric unit is chosen (km, m, cm or mm) so that the resulting string has a minimum number of decimal digits.


public static method FormatPercent → (1)

value in : float64

The decimal value.

returns → string

The formatted angle in degrees.

Formats a percent value: '100%'


public static method FormatRadians → (1)

value in : float64

The angle value, in radians.

returns → string

The formatted angle in degrees.

Formats an angle value: '123°'


public static method FormatReadable → (1)

value in : float64

Some value.

returns → float64

The nicely readable value.

Returns the largest positive nicely readable value that is less than or equal to the given value.

A nicely readable value can be expressed with 10^N*M where N is an integer and M is one of: 1, 2, 5.
For example:
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10


2 overloads

public static method FormatTimeSpan1 → (2)

time in : float64

The time span, in milliseconds.

format opt : int32 = 0

The time index format:
0: 1w 1d 1h 1m 1s (leading zero parts are omitted)
5: HH:MM

returns → string

The formatted time index string.

Formats the given time span.

public static method FormatTimeSpan2 → (2)

time in : int64

The time span, in milliseconds.

format opt : int32 = 0

The time index format:
0: 1w 1d 1h 1m 1s (leading zero parts are omitted)
5: HH:MM

returns → string

The formatted time index string.

Formats the given time span.


public static method GetCategory → (1)

in : int32

The Unicode character.

returns → CharacterCategory

The Unicode category.

Returns the Unicode category of the given character.


2 overloads

public static method GetCharacters1 → (3)

from in : int32

Start of code point range (inclusive).

to in : int32

End of code point range (inclusive).

bag opt : IBag<int32> = null

Optional output bag.

returns → IBag<int32>

The code points of the characters.

Returns all characters in the given code point range.

public static method GetCharacters2 → (2)

categories in : CharacterCategory

The character categories.

bag opt : IBag<int32> = null

Optional output bag.

returns → IBag<int32>

The code points of the characters.

Returns all characters that belong to the given categories.


public static method IsCategory → (2)

in : int32

The Unicode character.

categories in : CharacterCategory

The character categories.

returns → bool

true if in has at least one category given by categories in, false if not.

Checks if the given character belongs to any of the given categories.


public static method IsSeparatorOrWhitespaceControl → (1)

in : int32

The Unicode character.

returns → bool

true if in is a separator or a whitespace control, false if not.

Checks if the given character is a separator or a whitespace control.

This method will return true only in the following cases:

The string.Trim method of string trims characters only if IsSeparatorOrWhitespaceControl would return true.


public static method IsWhitespace → (1)

in : int32

The Unicode character.

returns → bool

true if in is a whitespace, false if not.

Checks if the given character is a whitespace.

Using this method is equivalent to calling IsCategory with the CharacterCategory.Whitespace flag. However, this method is more efficient.


2 overloads

public static method Newline1 → (2)

text in : string

The text to normalize.

lineEnding opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF

The line ending to use.

returns → string

The normalized text or null if text in was null.

Replaces all newline tokens in text in with the specified newline token.

public static method Newline2 → (1)

lineEnding opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF

The line ending.

returns → string

The newline token.

Returns the newline token string.


public static method TextToLines → (2)

text in : string

The text to split.

trim opt : bool = false

Trim text lines?

returns → string [ ]

The array of text lines.

Splits the given text into lines.


public static method ToLineEnding → (2)

text in : string

The input text.

lineEnding opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF

The desired line ending type.

returns → string

The normalized text.

Normalizes all line ending tokens in the given text.

Public / Attributes


public static attribute NativeLineEnding → (get)

value : LineEnding

The newline token.

Returns the newline token of the underlying system.