

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Components.Camera

The 6-DOF scene camera.

Public / Constructors


public constructor Camera → (1)

handedness opt : CartesianHandedness = CartesianHandedness.RightHanded

The coordinate system handedness.

Creates a new instance of Camera.

Public / Methods


public method LookAt → (2)

target in : Vec3D

The target to look at.

up in : Vec3D

The up direction.

returns → bool

true if the camera has been updated, false if not because the given target and/or up direction are invalid.

Lets the scene camera look at the given target from its current position.


public method MatrixPerspective → (5)

width in : int32

The viewport width.

height in : int32

The viewport height.

nearAtZero in : bool

When true, the near clipping plane will be mapped to 0 in clip-space (e.g. Direct3D); when false it will be mapped to -1 (e.g. OpenGL).

zNear opt : float64 = 0.001

Z-value of near clipping plane.

zFar opt : float64 = 20000000

Z-value of far clipping plane.

returns → Mat4D

The perspective projection matrix.

Creates a perspective projection matrix for the current camera settings.


public method MatrixView → ()

returns → Mat4D

The view matrix.

Creates a view matrix for the current camera settings.


public method MatrixViewLocal → ()

returns → Mat4D

The view matrix.

Creates a view matrix without translation components for the current camera settings.


public method Move → (3)

forward in : float64

Amount to move in forward direction.

right opt : float64 = 0

Amount to move in right-hand direction.

up opt : float64 = 0

Amount to move in upwards direction.

Moves the camera into the given direction.


public method PanoramaAlign → (1)

up in : Vec3D

The up-vector to align to.

Aligns the camera for taking a series of panorama screenshots.


public method PanoramaRotate → (1)

steps in : int32

The total number of panorama screenshots.

Rotates the camera for taking the next screenshot in a series of panorama screenshots.


public method Rotate → (3)

yaw in : float64

Counter-clockwise rotation around upwards direction, in radians.

pitch in : float64

Counter-clockwise rotation around right-hand direction, in radians.

roll in : float64

Counter-clockwise rotation around forward direction, in radians.

Rotates the camera by the given amounts.


public method Set → (1)

other in : Camera

The camera to copy settings from.

Copies all settings from the given camera to this one.


public method Transform → (2)

matrix in : Mat4D

The transformation matrix.

origin opt : Vec3D = default(Vec3D)

The transformation origin.

Transforms this camera using the given matrix.


2 overloads

public method Update1 → (1)

viewport in : Viewport

The Viewport object to update.

Updates the given Viewport object using values from the current state of this camera.

public method Update2 → (1)

cameraInfo in : CameraInfo

The CameraInfo object to update.

Updates the given CameraInfo object using values from the current state of this camera.

Public / Attributes


public attribute DirectionForward → (get)

value : Vec3D

The unit-length direction vector.

The forward direction of the camera.


public attribute DirectionRight → (get)

value : Vec3D

The unit-length direction vector.

The right-hand direction of the camera.


public attribute DirectionUp → (get)

value : Vec3D

The unit-length direction vector.

The upwards direction of the camera.


public attribute FovX → (get,set)

value : float64

The field of view, in degrees. Will return 0 iff FovX is used.

Vertical field of view, in degrees.

The default value is 0°.


public attribute FovY → (get,set)

value : float64

The field of view, in degrees. Will return 0 iff FovX is used.

Vertical field of view, in degrees.

The default value is 50° (conforms to a horizontal field of view of ~80°, for an aspect ratio of 16:9).


public attribute Handedness → (get,set)

value : CartesianHandedness

The cartesian handedness.

The coordinate system handedness.

The default value is CartesianHandedness.RightHanded.


public attribute IsUndefined → (get)

value : bool

true if this camera is undefined, false if it is valid.

Is this camera undefined?


public attribute Position → (get,set)

value : Vec3D

The absolute camera position.

The camera position.


public attribute Target → (get)

value : Vec3D

The look-at target coordinates.

Returns the look-at target at a distance of 1 to Position.


public attribute Zoom → (get,set)

value : float64

The zoom factor.

The zoom-factor of the camera.

The current field of view of the camera can be approximated as follows:

currentFovX := FovX / Zoom
currentFovY := FovY / Zoom

To get accurate values that correspond to MatrixPerspective, use Viewport.AdjustFieldOfView.