InputFieldNumber Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.GUI.Components.InputFieldNumber Derived from InputFieldRangeGeneric<float64, RangeD> abstract An input field for floating point values. Public / Constructors InputFieldNumber public constructor InputFieldNumber → (4) editable opt : int32 = 1 Initial value for InputField.Editable. textMeasureWidth opt : string = null Initial value for TextComponent.TextMeasure. unit opt : string = null Initial value for IInputField.Unit. format opt : FormatFlags = FormatFlags.Default Initial value for ValueFormat. Creates a new instance of InputFieldNumber. Public / Attributes Digits public attribute Digits → (get,set) value : int32 [>=-1] The number of fractional digits to round to or -1 to not round. Defaults to -1. The number of fractional digits to round to. ValueFormat public attribute ValueFormat → (get,set) value : FormatFlags The value format. The value format to use. Defaults to FormatFlags.Precision15. See also FormatFlags.Precision InputFieldLatLon InputFieldRangeGeneric