

enum Tinman.Terrain.Georef.CoordinateOperationParameter

Enumeration of input parameters for CoordinateOperationMethods.

Public / Constants


public constant Unknown → (-1:int32)

Unknown parameter.


public constant Angle → (0:int32)

Grid rotation angle.

The following geo-referencing attributes are mapped to this parameter:

  • EPSG-8814: Angle from Rectified to Skew Grid: gamma_c
    The angle at the natural origin of an oblique projection through which the natural coordinate reference system is rotated to make the projection north axis parallel with true north.

  • GeoTIFF-3096: ProjRectifiedGridAngleGeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: rectified_grid_angle


public constant Azimuth → (1:int32)

Azimuth rotation angle.

The following geo-referencing attributes are mapped to this parameter:

  • EPSG-1036: Co-latitude of cone axis: alpha_c
    The rotation applied to spherical coordinates for the oblique projection, measured on the conformal sphere in the plane of the meridian of origin.

  • EPSG-8813: Azimuth of initial line: alpha_c
    The azimuthal direction (north zero, east of north being positive) of the great circle which is the centre line of an oblique projection. The azimuth is given at the projection centre.

  • GeoTIFF-3094: ProjAzimuthAngleGeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: azimuth


public constant Easting → (2:int32)

Map easting value.

The following geo-referencing attributes are mapped to this parameter:

  • EPSG-8806: False easting: FE
    Since the natural origin may be at or near the centre of the projection and under normal coordinate circumstances would thus give rise to negative coordinates over parts of the mapped area, this origin is usually given false coordinates which are large enough to avoid this inconvenience. The False Easting, FE, is the value assigned to the abscissa (east or west) axis of the projection grid at the natural origin.

  • EPSG-8816: Easting at projection centre: E_c
    The easting value assigned to the projection centre.

  • EPSG-8826: Easting at false origin: E_f
    The easting value assigned to the false origin.

  • GeoTIFF-3082: ProjFalseEastingGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3086: ProjFalseOriginEastingGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3090: ProjCenterEastingGeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: false_easting


public constant Latitude → (3:int32)

Reference latitude angle of map projection.

The following geo-referencing attributes are mapped to this parameter:

  • EPSG-8801: Latitude of natural origin: phi_o
    The latitude of the point from which the values of both the geographical coordinates on the ellipsoid and the grid coordinates on the projection are deemed to increment or decrement for computational purposes. Alternatively it may be considered as the latitude of the point which in the absence of application of false coordinates has grid coordinates of (0,0).

  • EPSG-8811: Latitude of projection centre: phi_c
    For an oblique projection, this is the latitude of the point at which the azimuth of the central line is defined.

  • EPSG-8821: Latitude of false origin: phi_f
    The latitude of the point which is not the natural origin and at which grid coordinate values false easting and false northing are defined.

  • EPSG-8828: Spherical latitude of origin
    The latitude of the point from which the values of both the geographical coordinates on the sphere and the grid coordinates on a spherical projection are deemed to increment or decrement for computational purposes.

  • EPSG-8832: Latitude of standard parallel: phi_f
    For polar aspect azimuthal projections, the parallel on which the scale factor is defined to be unity.

  • GeoTIFF-3081: ProjNatOriginLatGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3085: ProjFalseOriginLatGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3089: ProjCenterLatKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: latitude_of_center

  • OpenGIS WKT1: latitude_of_origin


public constant Longitude → (4:int32)

Reference longitude angle of map projection.

The following geo-referencing attributes are mapped to this parameter:

  • EPSG-8802: Longitude of natural origin: lambda_o
    The longitude of the point from which the values of both the geographical coordinates on the ellipsoid and the grid coordinates on the projection are deemed to increment or decrement for computational purposes. Alternatively it may be considered as the longitude of the point which in the absence of application of false coordinates has grid coordinates of (0,0). Sometimes known as "central meridian (CM)".

  • EPSG-8812: Longitude of projection centre: lambda_c
    For an oblique projection, this is the longitude of the point at which the azimuth of the central line is defined.

  • EPSG-8822: Longitude of false origin: lambda_f
    The longitude of the point which is not the natural origin and at which grid coordinate values false easting and false northing are defined.

  • EPSG-8829: Spherical longitude of origin
    The longitude of the point from which the values of both the geographical coordinates on the sphere and the grid coordinates on a spherical projection are deemed to increment or decrement for computational purposes.

  • EPSG-8830: Initial longitude: lambda_i
    The longitude of the western limit of the first zone of a Transverse Mercator zoned grid system.

  • EPSG-8833: Longitude of origin: lambda_o
    For polar aspect azimuthal projections, the meridian along which the northing axis increments and also across which parallels of latitude increment towards the north pole.

  • GeoTIFF-3080: ProjNatOriginLongGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3084: ProjFalseOriginLongGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3088: ProjCenterLongKey

  • GeoTIFF-3095: ProjStraightVertPoleLongGeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: central_meridian

  • OpenGIS WKT1: longitude_of_center

  • OpenGIS WKT1: longitude_of_origin

The prime meridian (see GeodeticDatum.Meridian) is not added automatically to longitude parameters.


public constant Northing → (5:int32)

Map northing value.

The following geo-referencing attributes are mapped to this parameter:

  • EPSG-8807: False northing: FN
    Since the natural origin may be at or near the centre of the projection and under normal coordinate circumstances would thus give rise to negative coordinates over parts of the mapped area, this origin is usually given false coordinates which are large enough to avoid this inconvenience. The False Northing, FN, is the value assigned to the ordinate (north or south) axis of the projection grid at the natural origin.

  • EPSG-8817: Northing at projection centre: N_c
    The northing value assigned to the projection centre.

  • EPSG-8827: Northing at false origin: N_f
    The northing value assigned to the false origin.

  • GeoTIFF-3083: ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3087: ProjFalseOriginNorthingGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3091: ProjCenterNorthingGeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: false_northing


public constant Parallel1 → (6:int32)

Latitude of first parallel.

  • EPSG-8818: Latitude of pseudo standard parallel: phi_p
    Latitude of the parallel on which the conic or cylindrical projection is based. This latitude is not geographic, but is defined on the conformal sphere AFTER its rotation to obtain the oblique aspect of the projection.

  • EPSG-8823: Latitude of 1st standard parallel: phi_1
    For a conic projection with two standard parallels, this is the latitude of one of the parallels of intersection of the cone with the ellipsoid. It is normally but not necessarily that nearest to the pole. Scale is true along this parallel.

  • GeoTIFF-3078: ProjStdParallel1GeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: pseudo_standard_parallel_1

  • OpenGIS WKT1: standard_parallel_1


public constant Parallel2 → (7:int32)

Latitude of second parallel.

  • EPSG-8824: Latitude of 2nd standard parallel: phi_2
    For a conic projection with two standard parallels, this is the latitude of one of the parallels at which the cone intersects with the ellipsoid. It is normally but not necessarily that nearest to the equator. Scale is true along this parallel.

  • GeoTIFF-3079: ProjStdParallel2GeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: standard_parallel_2


public constant Scale → (8:int32)

Map scale factor.

The following geo-referencing attributes are mapped to this parameter:

  • EPSG-8805: Scale factor at natural origin: k_o
    The factor by which the map grid is reduced or enlarged during the projection process, defined by its value at the natural origin.

  • EPSG-8815: Scale factor on initial line: k_c
    The factor by which the map grid is reduced or enlarged during the projection process, defined by its value at the projection center.

  • EPSG-8819: Scale factor on pseudo standard parallel: k_p
    The factor by which the map grid is reduced or enlarged during the projection process, defined by its value at the pseudo-standard parallel.

  • GeoTIFF-3092: ProjScaleAtNatOriginGeoKey

  • GeoTIFF-3093: ProjScaleAtCenterGeoKey

  • OpenGIS WKT1: scale_factor