- Derived from
XmlNode abstract
Represents an XML document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- This is a comment in the preamble part. --> <?pi This is a processing instruction in the preamble. ?> <!DOCTYPE hello-world PUBLIC 'HELLO' 'WORLD'> <!-- This is a 'Hello World' element --> <hello-world name="value"> Text <?trim leading and trailing whitespaces?> <![CDATA[ More Text ]]> </hello-world>
Use the FromFile method for loading an XML file into a XmlDocument object. Use the following factory methods to obtain XmlNode objects from XML code:
To assemble an XmlDocument programmatically, use the following methods methods:
Public / Constructors
Parses the given XML file and returns an XmlDocument for it.
This method loads the content of the given file and then delegates to FromSource.
- IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
- ValidatingException
If xml in is malformed.
Parses the given XML document and returns an XmlDocument for it:
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)
W3C Recommendation 26 November 2008
This is the Grammar of an XML document string, which uses some relaxations in order to parse common violations against the official XML specification (e.g. zero or multiple document root elements, non 1.* version numbers):
document := xml? preamble? doctype? content* ; element := element-start content* ; literal := attrib-value ; content := space | char-data | entity | element-end | element-start | comment | cdata-section | pi ; doctype := '<!DOCTYPE' ws1 name (ws1 external-id)? ws0 ('[' dtd ']' ws0)? '>' ; preamble := (space | comment | pi)+ ; xml := '<?xml' xml-version xml-encoding? xml-standalone? ws0 '?>' ; !cdata-section := '<![CDATA[' char \ ']]>'* ']]>' ; char-data := ]<&[+ ; dtd := (dtd-markup | dtd-separator)* ; element-end := '</' name ws0 '>' ; element-start := '<' name (ws1 attrib)* ws0 ('>' | '/>') ; space := ws1 ; xml-encoding := ws1 'encoding' equal ('"' encoding-name '"' | '\'' encoding-name '\'') ; xml-standalone := ws1 'standalone' equal ('\'' xml-standalone-value '\'' | '"' xml-standalone-value '"') ; xml-version := ws1 'version' equal ('\'' version-number '\'' | '"' version-number '"') ; attrib := name equal attrib-value ; dtd-markup := dtd-element | dtd-attlist | dtd-entity | dtd-notation | pi | comment ; dtd-separator := dtd-entity-param-ref | ws1 ; !encoding-name := letter (letter-or-digit | [_-.])* ; !version-number := digit+ '.' digit+ ; xml-standalone-value := 'yes' | 'no' ; !comment := '<!--' char \ '-->'* '-->' ; dtd-attlist := '<!ATTLIST' ws1 name dtd-attrib* ws0 '>' ; dtd-element := '<!ELEMENT' ws1 name ws1 dtd-content ws0 '>' ; dtd-entity := '<!ENTITY' ws1 (name ws1 dtd-entity-def dtd-ndata-decl? | '%' ws1 name ws1 dtd-entity-def) ws0 '>' ; dtd-notation := '<!NOTATION' ws1 name ws1 (external-id | public-id) ws0 '>' ; equal := ws0 '=' ws0 ; !pi := '<?' name (ws1 char \ '?>'*)? '?>' ; char := ' '..'\xD7FF' | [\t\r\n] | '\xE000'..'\xFFFD' ; dtd-attrib := ws1 name ws1 dtd-attrib-type ws1 dtd-attrib-default ; dtd-content := 'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | dtd-mixed | dtd-children ; dtd-entity-def := dtd-entity-value | external-id ; dtd-ndata-decl := ws1 'NDATA' ws1 name ; dtd-attrib-default := '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED' | ('#FIXED' ws1)? attrib-value ; dtd-attrib-type := 'CDATA' | dtd-type-tokenized | dtd-type-enumerated ; dtd-children := dtd-choice | dtd-sequence !> dtd-count ; !dtd-entity-value := '"' (]"%&[ | dtd-entity-param-ref | entity)* '"' | '\'' (]%&'[ | dtd-entity-param-ref | entity)* '\'' ; dtd-mixed := '(' ws0 '#PCDATA' (ws0 '|' ws0 name)* ws0 ')*' | '(' ws0 '#PCDATA' ws0 ')' ; !external-id := ('SYSTEM' ws1 | public-id ws1) ('"' ]"[* '"' | '\'' ]'[* '\'') ; !attrib-value := '"' (]<"&[+ | entity)* '"' | '\'' (]<&'[+ | entity)* '\'' ; !dtd-entity-param-ref := '%' name ';' ; dtd-type-enumerated := dtd-type-notation | dtd-type-enumeration ; dtd-type-tokenized := 'ENTITIES' | 'ENTITY' | 'IDREFS' | 'IDREF' | 'ID' | 'NMTOKENS' | 'NMTOKEN' ; !public-id := 'PUBLIC' ws1 ('"' public-id-char* '"' | '\'' public-id-char \ '\''* '\'') ; dtd-type-enumeration := '(' ws0 dtd-nmtoken (ws0 '|' ws0 dtd-nmtoken)* ws0 ')' ; dtd-type-notation := 'NOTATION' ws1 '(' ws0 name (ws0 '|' ws0 name)* ws0 ')' ; entity := '&' (name | '#' ('x' hex-digit+ | digit+)) ';' ; public-id-char := ' ' | '\r' | '\n' | letter-or-digit | [(_$-#!+*/).=%,?;'@:] ; !dtd-nmtoken := name-char+ ; hex-digit := digit | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' ; letter-or-digit := letter | digit ; ws1 := [\t\r \n]+ ; dtd-child := name | dtd-choice | dtd-sequence !> dtd-count ; dtd-choice := '(' ws0 dtd-child (ws0 '|' ws0 dtd-child)+ ws0 ')' ; dtd-sequence := '(' ws0 dtd-child (ws0 ',' ws0 dtd-child)* ws0 ')' ; !name := name-char-start name-char* ; name-char := name-char-start | digit | [-.] | '\x00B7' | '\x0300'..'\x036F' | '\x203F'..'\x2040' ; name-char-start := letter | [_:] | '\x00C0'..'\x00D6' | '\x00D8'..'\x00F6' | '\x00F8'..'\x02FF' | '\x0370'..'\x037D' | '\x037F'..'\x1FFF' | '\x200C'..'\x200D' | '\x2070'..'\x218F' | '\x2C00'..'\x2FEF' | '\x3001'..'\xD7FF' | '\xF900'..'\xFDCF' | '\xFDF0'..'\xFFFD' ; digit := '0'..'9' ; dtd-count := '?' | '*' | '+' ; letter := 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ; ws0 := [\t\r \n]* ;
If present, the internal document type definition (see doctype
rule) is parsed, but not otherwise evaluated or processed by the XmlDocument class.
- ValidatingException
If xml in is malformed.
Public / Methods
Adds a custom external entity to the document.
The XmlNode.ToText1 method of XmlEntity nodes that refer to the given name in will return the entity value in. The values of the predefined entities cannot be modified.
- See also
Public / Attributes
Returns the content nodes of the document, see XmlNode.IsDocumentContent.
A valid XML document must contain exactly one root element in its sequence of content items. However, it is not unusual that XML files have no root element or multiple root elements.
- See also
Returns the value of the attribute 'encoding'
in the <?xml…?>
A valid encoding name matches the encoding-name
rule, see FromSource.
Returns the custom external entities for this document.
The custom external entities are not part of the XML document and are thus ignored by ICopyable.Copy (i.e. not copied) and IEquatable.Equals (i.e. not compared).
- See also
Returns the preamble nodes of the document, see XmlNode.IsDocumentPreamble.
The preamble part is defined as the sequence of compatible XML nodes that immediately follow the <?xml…?>
part and appear before the <!DOCTYPE…>
- See also
Returns the PUBLIC identifier in the <!DOCTYPE…>
A valid PUBLIC identifier is a sequence of zero or more public-id-char
characters, see FromSource.