MaterialKeys Description sealed class Tinman.Terrain.Util.MaterialKeys Derived from IConfigurable A collection of color-key based material mappings. Public / Constructors Distinct public static method Distinct → () returns → MaterialKeys The material keys. Creates a new instance of MaterialKeys that uses distinct color keys for each material. See also Colors.Distinct MaterialKeys public constructor MaterialKeys → (1) defaultMaterial opt : int64 = 0 The default material. Creates a new instance of MaterialKeys. Public / Methods Add public method Add → (1) materialKey in : MaterialKey The material key. returns → MaterialKeys this Adds a material key, replacing the existing material key, if present. ToColor public method ToColor → (1) token in : int64 The material token. returns → int64 The color key. Returns the color key of the given material. ToMaterial public method ToMaterial → (1) color in : int64 The color key. returns → int64 The material token. Returns the material token for the given color key. Public / Attributes DefaultMaterial public attribute DefaultMaterial → (get) value : int64 The default material token. The default material token to use if no material keys match. Defaults to material 0. Configuration Config public static attribute Config → (get) value : IConfigurator<MaterialKeys> [not-null] The configurator object. The configurator object for this type. MaterialKey MaterialToken