StringEscape Description [ShutdownSurvive] sealed class Tinman.Core.Formatting.StringEscape Helper class for setting up rules for string escaping. Public / Constants LineSingleQuote public static readonly attribute LineSingleQuote → (StringEscape) Common escaping rules capturing strings in a single line, enclosed by single quotes. ['] (0x22) => [\'] (0x5C, 0x22) [ ] (0x09) => [\t] (0x5C, 0x74) [ ] (0x0A) => [\n] (0x5C, 0x6E) [ ] (0x0D) => [\r] (0x5C, 0x72) [\] (0x5C) => [\\] (0x5C, 0x5C) None public static readonly attribute None → (StringEscape) No string escaping. Public / Methods Add 2 overloads public method Add1 → (1) rule in : IStringOp [not-null] The reversible string operation that represents the string escaping rule to add. returns → StringEscape this Adds the given string escaping rule. public method Add2 → (3) plain in : string [not-empty] The plain token. escaped in : string [not-empty] The escaped token. direction opt : int32 = 0 The escape processing direction: = 0 : both directions > 0 : plain in to escaped in < 0 : escaped in to plain in returns → StringEscape The resulting StringEscape object. Adds the given plain/escaped pair to this string escape object. Escape public method Escape → (1) plain in : string The plain string. returns → string The escaped string. Escapes the given plain string by applying all escaping rules. Unescape public method Unescape → (1) escaped in : string The escaped string. returns → string The plain string. Unescapes the given escaped string by reversing all escaping rules. Public / Attributes IsReversible [Constant] public attribute IsReversible → (get) value : bool true if all string escaping rules are reversible, false if some are irreversible. Checks if all string escaping rules are reversible. See also IStringOp.IsReversible StringBuilder StringOp