

enum Tinman.Terrain.Imaging.ReadImageFlags

Flags for reading images.

Public / Constants


public constant Info → (0:int32)

The image metadata is going to be read (see IImageInfo). This is not an actual flag because image metadata always needs to be read.

The file format of the image must be fully supported. If not, a ValidatingException will be thrown.


public constant Data → (1:int32)

The image metadata and pixel data is going to be read (see IImageReader.ReadScanline).

The file format of the image must be fully supported. If not, a ValidatingException will be thrown.


public constant Geo → (2:int32)

Geo-referencing metadata (if present) is going to be read (see IGeorefInfo).

The file format of the image must be fully supported. If not, a ValidatingException will be thrown.


public constant Range → (4:int32)

If necessary, builds the range of raw pixel values that are present in the image data (see IImageInfo.Values).

If the range of raw pixel values is already present in the header information of an image, this flag will have no effect. Otherwise, it will trigger an additional pass over the image data, in order to determine the raw pixel value range (see IImageReader.ReadValuesAll).

The file format of the image must be fully supported. If not, a ValidatingException will be thrown.


public constant All → (7:int32)

All image reading flags.