

interface Tinman.Engine.Drawing.IScreenLabel

Derived from


Extended by


Callback interface for rendering screen labels while avoiding overlaps.

Public / Methods


public method PrepareScreenLabel → (1)

graphics in : Graphics

The graphics object.

returns → Vec2I

The preferred size that shall be used for the label bounds that will be passed to RenderScreenLabel.

Prepares to render this screen label.


public method RenderScreenLabel → (3)

graphics in : Graphics

The graphics object.

bounds in : Box2I

The screen bounds.

occluded in : bool

true if bounds in are at least partially occluded by other screen labels, false if bounds in are not occluded at all.

Renders this screen label.

The Graphics.PushDepth and Graphics.PopDepth methods are called automatically for screen labels, according to the screen depth that has been provided to the call to ScreenLabelPlacement.Add.

Public / Attributes


public attribute IsHiddenWhenOccluded → (get)

value : bool

true if RenderScreenLabel will not render anything when hidden,
false if it will perform some rendering when hidden.

Is this screen label hidden when occluded?


public attribute IsPixelPerfect → (get)

value : bool

true if this screen label must be rendered at integer coordinates,
false if this label may be rendered with sub-pixel offsets.

Does this screen label render pixel-perfect content?



public static method Frame → (1)

style opt : ScreenLabelFrameStyle = null

The style to use or null to use the default style.

returns → IScreenLabelFrame

The framed screen label.

Wraps this screen label in a visual frame.

+-------------------------+   bounds     --+
|     _______________     |                |   Margin
|    /               \    |   border     --+
|   |                 |   |                |   Insets
|   |   +---------+   |   |   label      --+
|   |   |         |   |   |                |
|   |   | wrapped |   |   |                |   size
|   |   |  label  |   |   |                |
|   |   |         |   |   |                |
|   |   +---------+   |   |              --+
|   |                 |   |
|    \_______________/    |
|                         |

The bounds are provided as an argument to the IScreenLabel.RenderScreenLabel method. Based on the given bounds, the label layout is computed as follows:

  1. The ScreenLabelFrameStyle.Margin is applied to the bounds. This yields the border.

  2. The ScreenLabelFrameStyle.Insets are applied to the border frame. This yields the label box.

  3. The wrapped screen label is rendered into the label box.


public static method Stack → (3)

other in : IScreenLabel

The other screen label to stack with.

horizontal in : bool

true to stack horizontally (this left, other in right),
false to stack vertically (this top, other in bottom).

pad opt : int32 = 0

Padding between screen labels.

returns → IScreenLabelContent

The stacked screen label.

Stacks this screen label with the given other in one.