PaethFilter Description static class Tinman.Terrain.Codec.PaethFilter A Paeth image filter for lossless compression. Public / Methods Decode public static method Decode → (4) buffer in : ByteBuffer [not-null] The byte buffer that holds the 8-bit values. The buffer position and limit will remain unchanged. offset in : int32 [>=0] Offset into buffer in to top-left block value. width in : int32 [>0] The block width, in values. height in : int32 [>0] The block height, in values. Applies the reverse Paeth filter to the given block of 8-bit values. The block values are expected to be stored in row-major order, beginning at offset in. Encode public static method Encode → (4) buffer in : ByteBuffer [not-null] The byte buffer that holds the 8-bit values. The buffer position and limit will remain unchanged. offset in : int32 [>=0] Offset into buffer in to top-left block value. width in : int32 [>0] The block width, in values. height in : int32 [>0] The block height, in values. Applies the Paeth filter to the given block of 8-bit values. The block values are expected to be stored in row-major order, beginning at offset in. LodRegions RangeCompression