

interface Tinman.Engine.Models.IMaterial

Derived from


Extended by

Material sealed

Base interface for classes that describe materials of 3D models (see IModelPart.Material).

Materials use the metallic-roughness or the specular-glossiness workflow for Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) with optional light transmission and refraction, as defined by the glTF 2.0 specification:

The IMaterial interface follows these specifications and allows to specify PBR material properties for either the metallic-roughness workflow or the specular-glossiness workflow:

  • Metallic-roughness:
    The base color (see BaseColor) represents both the non-metallic albedo/diffuse color and the metallic specular/reflection color, where the metalness (see Metalness) distinguishes between metallic and non-metallic parts. The reflectivity (see Reflectivity) represents the non-metallic specular/reflection color, which modulates the pure-white diffuse reflectivity that is defined by the refraction index (see Refraction), for example 4% for an index of 1.5.

  • Specular-glossiness workflow:
    The base color (see BaseColor) only represents the albedo/diffuse color and explicit metalness is not used (see Metalness). The reflectivity (see Reflectivity) represents the metallic specular/reflection color and intensity, where the latter implicitly defines metalness.

The individual material components are defined by these material properties:

  1. Base color and transparency: BaseColor, Opacity, ModelPartFlags.VertexColorIsBaseColor, ModelPartFlags.VertexAlphaIsOcclusion

    glTF / pbrMetallicRoughness / baseColorFactor.rgba
    glTF / pbrMetallicRoughness / baseColorTexture.rgba
    glTF / KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness / diffuseFactor.rgba
    glTF / KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness / diffuseTexture.rgba
    glTF / alphaMode

    Depending on ModelPartFlags.Transparent, either RenderStatePreset.AlphaBlending or RenderStatePreset.AlphaCoverage is used. With ModelPartFlags.Opaque, all transparency information will be ignored, resulting in fully opaque rendering.

  2. Displacement of surface: Displacement
    Texture samples in the range [0..1] are mapped to model-space offset vectors of length [-Value..+Value], along the surface normal vector.

  3. Emissive color: Emissive

    glTF / emissiveFactor.rgb
    glTF / emissiveTexture.rgb
    glTF / KHR_materials_emissive_strength / emissiveStrength
  4. Glossiness / roughness of surface: Glossiness, Roughness

    glTF / pbrMetallicRoughness / roughnessFactor
    glTF / pbrMetallicRoughness / metallicRoughnessTexture.g
    glTF / KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness / glossinessFactor
    glTF / KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness / specularGlossinessTexture.a
  5. Line thickness: LineThickness

  6. Metalness of surface: Metalness

    glTF / pbrMetallicRoughness / metallicFactor
    glTF / pbrMetallicRoughness / metallicRoughnessTexture.b
  7. Normal vectors of surface: Normal

    glTF / normalTexture / scale
    glTF / normalTexture / index.rgb

    The red, green and blue intensities in the range [0..1] are mapped to the range [-1..+1] along the X, Y and Z-axis, where the X+ axis is the tangent direction (positive texture U-axis), Y+ is the bitangent direction (positive texture V-axis) and Z+ is direction of the surface normal vector.

  8. Occlusion of ambient light: Occlusion, ModelPartFlags.VertexAlphaIsOcclusion

    glTF / occlusionTexture / strength
    glTF / occlusionTexture / index.r
  9. Reflectivity of surface: Reflectivity

    glTF / KHR_materials_specular / specularColorFactor.rgb
    glTF / KHR_materials_specular / specularColorTexture.rgb
    glTF / KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness / specularFactor.rgb
    glTF / KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness / specularGlossinessTexture.rgb

    Please note that the two PBR workflows interpret reflectivity in different ways.

  10. Refraction index: Refraction

    glTF / KHR_materials_ior / ior

    The index of refraction influences the pure-white diffuse reflection intensity that is used by the metallic-roughness PBR workflow and the blurriness of transmitted light. For the specular-glossiness PBR workflow, the index of refraction should be taken into account when specifying the reflection color and intensity, for example by using the Material.ReflectivityDefaultColor method.

  11. Specularity of surface: Specularity

    glTF / KHR_materials_specular / specularFactor
    glTF / KHR_materials_specular / specularTexture.a

    The specularity controls the overall strength of the specular reflections that are defined by the other material properties.

  12. Translucency of surface: Translucency
    For a double-sided material, the same diffuse lighting calculations as for the base color are performed, using the translucency color and flipped normal vector instead.

  13. Transmission of light: Transmission

    glTF / KHR_materials_transmission / transmissionFactor
    glTF / KHR_materials_transmission / transmissionTexture.r

    The transmission controls how much light passes through the material, instead of being reflected diffusely.

The same IModelTexture object may be specified for multiple material properties, which allows composite textures to be used for more than one material property at a time. When doing so, the color channel usage as well as the behaviour regarding sRGB must be taken into account:

For the single-channel material properties, the default texture channel (red) may be changed via IMaterialPart.Channel.

Public / Methods


public method Copy → ()

returns → Material

The mutable copy.

Creates a mutable copy of this material object.

Modifying the returned Material will not affect this material object.


public method Simplify → (1)

textures opt : IMap<IResourceHandle, IResourceHandle> = null

Optional map to use for replacing different IModelTexture objects that are equivalent with the first occurrence.

returns → IMaterial

The simplified material. Will be this iff no information has been discarded.

Simplifies this material by discarding redundant information.

Redundant information is discarded according to these rules:

Public / Attributes


public attribute BaseColor → (get)

value : MaterialPart<ColorF>

The material part.

The base color (red, green, blue) and transparency (alpha).

The material value is the linear base color factor and defaults to ColorF.White. The material texture map is sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red, green, blue and alpha channels. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute Displacement → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The displacement along the surface normal vector.

The material value gives the maximum displacement amount in model-space and defaults to 0. The material texture map is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.DisplacementZero will be used for rendering.


public attribute Emissive → (get)

value : MaterialPart<ColorF>

The material part.

The emissive color.

The material value gives the linear emissive color factor and defaults to ColorF.Black. The material texture map is sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red, green and blue channels. If null, ModelTexture.Black will be used for rendering.


public attribute Glossiness → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The amount of glossiness (specular-glossiness PBR workflow only).

The material value gives the linear glossiness factor and defaults to 0. The material texture map is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute LineThickness → (get)

value : float32

The line thickness for opaque line geometry, in screen pixels. Will be clamped to the supported range (see remarks).

The thickness to use for opaque line geometry.

At render time, the ILineFeatureLevels.FeatureLevel of the graphics context will be used to clamp the line thickness to the supported range.

Defaults to 1.


public attribute Metalness → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The amount of metalness.

The material value gives the linear metalness factor for the metallic-roughness PBR workflow in the range [0..1] or negative to choose the specular-glossiness PBR workflow. It defaults to -1. The material texture map is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute Normal → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The surface normals.

The material value is the scale factor that will be to the X- and Y-components of the normal-vectors that are encoded in the material texture, before normalizing them. It defaults to 1. The material texture is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red, green and blue channels. If null, ModelTexture.NormalUpRGB will be used for rendering.


public attribute Occlusion → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The ambient occlusion.

The material values gives the ambient occlusion strength: 0 will disable ambient occlusion and a value of 1 will show full ambient occlusion. It defaults to 1. The material texture is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute Opacity → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The opacity.

The material value specifies the alpha cutoff threshold: if the computed alpha value is less than the cutoff threshold, the alpha value 0 will be used for rendering. Otherwise, the alpha value 1 will be used. If 0, the opacity cutoff will be disabled and alpha blending / alpha-to-coverage will be used. It defaults to 0. The material texture is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute Reflectivity → (get)

value : MaterialPart<ColorF>

The material part.

The surface reflectivity.

The material value defaults to (0.04, 0.04, 0.04), which is the pure-white diffuse reflectivity for an index of refraction of 1.5, see Material.ReflectivityDefaultColor. The material texture is sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red, green and blue channels. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute Refraction → (get)

value : float32

The index of refraction.

The index of refraction.


public attribute Roughness → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The amount of roughness (metallic-roughness PBR workflow only).

The material value gives the linear roughness factor and defaults to 1. The material texture map is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the green channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute Specularity → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The amount of specularity.

The material value gives the linear specularity factors and defaults to 1. The material texture is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the alpha channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.


public attribute Translucency → (get)

value : MaterialPart<ColorF>

The material part.

The amount of translucency.

The material value is the linear translucency color factor and defaults to ColorF.Black. The material texture map is sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red, green and blue. If null, ModelTexture.Black will be used for rendering.


public attribute Transmission → (get)

value : MaterialPart<float32>

The material part.

The transmission of light.

The material value gives the linear transmission factor and defaults to 0. The material texture map is not sRGB compressed and is sampled from the red channel by default. If null, ModelTexture.White will be used for rendering.