Public / Methods
Returns the value of an environment variable.
The environment variable is retrieved from the user that is running the current process. If not found, the variable is retrieved from the current process.
Forces platform detection to the given values.
This method must be called before the Tinman 3D library is initialized (see TinmanModule.Initialize), otherwise undefined behaviour may occur.
Public / Attributes
Returns the estimated total CPU usage of the system.
The returned value is intended to be used for informational purposes only.
If the CPU usage cannot be determined (for any reason), this property will return 0
Returns the estimated CPU usage of the calling process.
The returned value is intended to be used for informational purposes only.
If the CPU usage cannot be determined (for any reason), this property will return 0
Returns the debug flags of the process.
The debug flags are determined when TinmanModule.Initialize is called.
- See also
Is the calling process running under an OS that is compliant to POSIX?
The value of this flag may be used to decide at runtime which native system API to use, for example when doing CLR P/Invoke or when loading shared libraries.
The value of this flag is determined at runtime for C# and at compile-time for C++. So the same C# assembly may exhibit different behaviour between POSIX and Windows.
- See also
Running under a Windows OS?
The value of this flag may be used to decide at runtime which native system API to use, for example when doing CLR P/Invoke or when loading shared libraries.
The value of this flag is determined at runtime for C# and at compile-time for C++. So the same C# assembly may exhibit different behaviour between POSIX and Windows.
- See also
Returns the total amount of physical memory that is available to the process.
If the memory amount cannot be determined (for any reason), this property will return 0
. The SetSystemInfo method can be used to manually specify the amount of available physical memory.
Returns the estimated amount of physical memory that is currently being used by the process.
The returned value is intended to be used for informational purposes only. If the memory amount cannot be determined (for any reason), this property will return 0
Returns the human-readable name of the underlying platform.
The returned value is only intended for reporting, logging and debugging.
Returns the number of (logical) processors on the system.
This value does not necessarily represent physical CPU cores. Instead, it is meant to be a guide for determining how many threads to run in parallel at a given point in time.
- See also
Returns the UTC system time in the following format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
(for example 2014-01-31 15:56:30
Returns the system tick count.
System tick count values should not be used across thread boundaries.
- See also