

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Components.TerrainLayerMaterial

Settings for TerrainLayer objects of type TerrainLayerType.Material.

Public / Methods


public method Add → (1)

material in : TerrainMaterial

The material to add.

Adds the given material to this layer, replacing any existing one.

If the given material in is already present, the method silently returns.


public method AddAll → (1)

materials in : IEnumerable<TerrainMaterial>

The materials to add.

Adds the given materials to this layer, replacing any existing ones.

This method delegates to Add for each element in materials in.


public method Clear → ()

Removes all materials from this layer.


public method Id → (1)

materialId in : int32

The material ID (see MaterialToken).

returns → TerrainMaterial

The TerrainMaterial object or null if no terrain material has been defined.

Returns a terrain material.


public method Remove → (1)

material in : TerrainMaterial

The material to remove.

Removes the given material from this layer.

If the given material in is not present, the method silently returns.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Chunks → (get,set)

value : float64

The chunking coefficient.

The material chunking coefficient.

The material chunking coefficient must be divisible by all material scale factors (i.e. global factor Scale multiplied with texture factor TerrainMaterialTexture.ScaleTexture).

The default value is 1.


public attribute HeightBlend → (get,set)

value : Vec3F

The coefficient vector (see remarks).

Coefficients for height-based blending of materials.

Up to four materials are blend together when material-based texturing is used, according to their respective weights in the material token (see MaterialToken). To increase visual appeal, these blend weights may be adjusted, based on material displacement:

result = weight * pow(1 + (abs(height) + X) * Y, Z)

where weight is the material token weight in the range [0..1] and height is the material height, in terrain-space. X, Y and Z are the components of this coefficient vector.


public attribute Scale → (get,set)

value : float32

The global material texture scale, in terrain-space.

The global material texture scale, in terrain-space.

The scale of each terrain texture (see TerrainMaterialTexture.ScaleTexture and TerrainMaterialTexture.ScaleDisplacement) is multiplied with this value before being used for rendering.

The global scale is intended to be used for unit conversions.

Defaults to 1.