

sealed class Tinman.Shaders.Lighting

Derived from

GpuCode abstract

Full source code is included in the Tinman 3D SDK download.

Helper methods for computations related to scene lighting.

Public / Methods


public static method ComputeAmbientOcclusion → (1)

ao in : float32

The input ambient occlusion value (vertex resp. occlusion map):
0 := no ambient lighting
1 := full ambient lighting

returns → float32

The output ambient occlusion value:
0 := no ambient lighting
1 := full ambient lighting

Computes the ambient occlusion value.


public static method ComputeFakeGgx → (2)

in : float32

The X-coordinate of the lookup vector.

in : float32

The Y-coordinate of the lookup vector.

returns → float2

The lookup sample.

Computes a fake sample that approximates the material reflectance lookup texture.


public static method ComputeFog → (3)

color in : float3

The base color.

eye in : float3

The unit-length eye vector.

distance in : float32

The camera distance.

returns → float3

The fog color value.

Computes the fog value.


public static method ComputeToneMap → (1)

color in : float3

The input HDR color.

returns → float3

The output LDR color.

Applies the tone mapping curve to the given HDR color.


public static method CubemapWarp → (2)

direction in : float3

The direction vector.

warp in : float32

The spherical latitude offset, in radians.

returns → float3

The warped cubemap direction vector.

Warps the Y-coordinate of the given cubemap direction vector.


public static method EnvironmentSample → (2)

in : float3

The cubemap texture coordinates.

lod in : float32

The LOD-level to sample.

returns → float3

The sampled HDR color.

Samples the environment map with linear interpolation.

Filtering will not be seamless for Direct3D 9.


public static method EnvironmentSampleSeamless → (2)

in : float3

The cubemap texture coordinates.

lod in : float32

The LOD-level to sample.

returns → float3

The sampled HDR color.

Samples the environment map with high-quality seamless filtering.