

sealed class Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.RenderException

Derived from


Reports unexpected errors that are related to the creation of graphics resources.

Public / Constructors


3 overloads

public static method Failure1 → (2)

source in : string

The error source tag.

message in : string

The error message.

returns → RenderException

The ready-to-throw exception.

Creates a new instance of RenderException.

public static method Failure2 → (3)

source in : string

The error source tag.

functionName in : string

The render function that has failed.

errorCode in : int32

The error code that has been returned by the function.

returns → RenderException

The ready-to-throw exception.

Creates a new instance of RenderException.

public static method Failure3 → (3)

source in : string

The error source tag.

message in : string

The error message.

cause in : TinmanError

The error cause.

returns → RenderException

The ready-to-throw exception.

Creates a new instance of RenderException.

Public / Methods


public static method FailureMessage → (2)

functionName in : string

The render function name.

errorCode in : int32

The error code.

returns → string

The error message.

Creates an error message for a render function that has failed with an error code.