GeographicResult Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.Scenes.Queries.GeographicResult Derived from SceneQueryResult abstract A query result that describes a geographic location. See also SceneQueryResultType.Geographic Public / Constructors GeographicResult public constructor GeographicResult → (3) distance in : float64 The value for ISceneQueryResult.Distance. datum in : GeodeticDatum [not-null] The value for Datum. geographic in : LatLonHeight The value for Geographic. Creates a new instance of GeographicResult. Public / Attributes Datum public attribute Datum → (get) value : GeodeticDatum [not-null] The geodetic datum. The geodetic datum of the geographic coordinates. Geographic public attribute Geographic → (get) value : LatLonHeight The geographic coordinates. The geographic coordinates of the picked location. IWidthProperty GroupResult