Panel Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.GUI.Components.Panel Derived from Container ITextProperty A panel container with automatic scrolling and an optional text caption. The following default Layout settings are defined for Panel objects: Layout.Default Container.LayoutInsets: 2 Component.LayoutMargin: 2 Component.LayoutFill: Axis.Horizontal Component.LayoutGrow: Axis.Horizontal Component.LayoutShrink: Axis.None Public / Constants Class public static readonly attribute Class → (StyleClass) The style class for Panel. Public / Constructors Panel public constructor Panel → (2) text opt : string = null The initial caption text or null. collapsible opt : bool = true Is this panel collapsible? Creates a new instance of Panel. Public / Methods Find [Pure] public static method Find → (1) component in : Component The component to start or null. returns → Panel The found Panel object or null. Finds the first Panel along the ancestor-to-self axis, starting at the given component. Public / Attributes Accordion public attribute Accordion → (get,set) value : ComponentGroup<Panel> The accordion group or null. The accordion group this panel belongs to. Only one panel in an accordion group can be expanded, all other will be collapsed. Collapsed public attribute Collapsed → (get,set) value : bool true if the panel is collapsed (i.e. its content is hidden), false if not. Is this panel collapsed? Defaults to false. Collapsible public attribute Collapsible → (get,set) value : bool true if the panel is collapsible (i.e. the Collapsed property is taken into account), false if the panel is not collapsible (i.e. the Collapsed property is ignored). Is this panel collapsible? Defaults to true. LabelView PushButton