

abstract class Tinman.Engine.Models.ShapeExtruder

Derived from


Abstract base class for IShapeExtruder implementations.

Public / Constructors


public static method Along → (1)

matrix in : Mat3D

The transformation matrix to use, see remarks.

returns → IShapeExtruder

The shape extruder.

Creates a Cartesian shape extruder.

Extrusion is performed by multiplying the given matrix in with the vector (x,y,v), where x is the shape X-coordinate, y is the shape Y-coordinate and v is the vertical coordinate of the extrusion.


public static method AlongX → ()

returns → IShapeExtruder

The shape extruder.

Creates a Cartesian shape extruder.

The shape is in the Y/Z plane. The extrusion is applied along the (1,0,0) vector. The extrusion range is applied to the X-axis.


public static method AlongY → ()

returns → IShapeExtruder

The shape extruder.

Creates a Cartesian shape extruder.

The shape is in the Z/X plane. The extrusion is applied along the (0,1,0) vector. The extrusion range is applied to the Y-axis.


public static method AlongZ → ()

returns → IShapeExtruder

The shape extruder.

Creates a Cartesian shape extruder.

The shape is in the X/Y plane. The extrusion is applied along the (0,0,1) vector. The extrusion range is applied to the Z-axis.


public static method Georef → (3)

geocentric in : Geocentric

The geocentric helper object to use.

accuracy in : float64

The accuracy for edge subdivision, see IShapeOps.TransformCoordinateSystem.

verticalType opt : VerticalType = VerticalType.Ellipsoid

The vertical type to use for interpreting the extrusion height values.

returns → IShapeExtruder

The shape extruder.

Creates a geocentric shape extruder.

Shapes must have a geo-reference. The extrusion range is interpreted as ellipsoid height.

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor ShapeExtruder → ()

Creates a new instance of ShapeExtruder.

Protected / Methods


protected abstract method Normal → (1)

vertex in : Vec2D

The 2D point.

returns → Vec3D

The 3D normal vector.

Returns the 3D normal vector at the given 2D point.


protected abstract method Position → (2)

vertex in : Vec2D

The 2D point.

vertical in : float64

The vertical offset along the extrusion axis.

returns → Vec3D

The 3D position.

Returns the extruded 3D position of the given 2D point.