

sealed class Tinman.Core.Collections.ArrayVector<T>

Derived from

VectorBase<T> abstract

An implementation of the IVector interface that uses a dynamic array for storing the list elements.

Public / Constructors


2 overloads

public constructor ArrayVector1 → (1)

capacity opt : int32 = 12

The initial capacity.

Creates a new instance of ArrayVector.

The equality delegate is SystemUtil.EqualsDefault.

public constructor ArrayVector2 → (2)

equals in : EqualsDelegate<T>

The equality delegate. If null, SystemUtil.EqualsDefault will be used.

capacity opt : int32 = 12

The initial capacity.

Creates a new instance of ArrayVector.


public static method Copy → (2)

values in : IBagConst<T>

The values to wrap or null to create an empty list.

equals opt : EqualsDelegate<T> = null

The equality delegate. If null, SystemUtil.EqualsDefault will be used.

returns → ArrayVector<T>

The created ArrayVector object.

Copies the given values in into a compact ArrayVector.


public static method Wrap → (2)

element in : T

The list element.

equals opt : EqualsDelegate<T> = null

The equality delegate. If null, SystemUtil.EqualsDefault will be used.

returns → ArrayVector<T>

The list.

Creates a compact list that initially holds the given element.

Public / Methods


public method ClearDirty → ()

Removes all elements from this collection, without setting the element values to their defaults.