

abstract class Tinman.Engine.Rendering.TextureHandle

Resource handle for texture objects.

Public / Constants


public static readonly attribute ZeroCube → (TextureHandle)

A texture handle for a cubemap with a uniform color Colors.Zero.

Public / Constructors


public static method File2D → (1)

path in : Path

The texture file path.

returns → TextureHandle

The ITexture2D handle.

Creates a texture handle for the given file.


public static method FileCube → (1)

path in : Path

The texture file path.

returns → TextureHandle

The ITextureCube handle.

Creates a texture handle for the given file.

The given texture file path in may point to an existing single cubemap texture file (e.g. ImageFormat.DDS) or to a non-existing file, which will then be used as the base name (for example: texture.txb) to discover six texture files (in ImageFormat.TXB format), one per cubemap face:

  • texture.X+.txb

  • texture.X-.txb

  • texture.Y+.txb

  • texture.Y-.txb

  • texture.Z+.txb

  • texture.Z-.txb

The cubemap face alignment is LHS, as described by ColorCube.Load.

Protected / Attributes


protected readonly attribute path → (Path)

The texture file path.