

abstract class Tinman.Engine.Rendering.GraphicsContextFactory

Abstract base class for IGraphicsContextFactory implementations.

Public / Methods


public static method CannotCreateGraphicsContext → (1)

value in : IGraphicsContextFactory

The graphics context factory.

returns → bool

true if value in cannot create graphics contexts,
false if it can.

Predicate methods that returns true for all IGraphicsContextFactory objects that cannot create a graphics context (see IGraphicsContextFactory.CanCreateGraphicsContext).

Use this method to created filtered lists of viable graphics context factories (see IBag.RemoveWhere).


public virtual method ConfigRead → (1)

config in : ConfigValue

The config value.

Configures the defaults settings of the GraphicsContextFactory class from the given config value.


If no configurator object has been found for the type of config in or if config in specifies malformed configuration data.


If config in is invalid (IValidatable.Validate).


If an unexpected I/O error has occurred while creating the native value.


public virtual method ConfigWrite → (1)

type in : ConfigType

The config value type. Must be assignable to Config. IConfiguratorBase.Type.

returns → ConfigValue

The resulting config value.

Creates a config value of the given type and populates it with the default settings of the GraphicsContextFactory class.


If an unexpected error has occurred while building the config value.

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor GraphicsContextFactory → (1)

name in : string

Human readable name of this graphics context factory.

Creates a new instance of GraphicsContextFactory.

Protected / Methods


protected abstract method DoAdapterNames → (1)

index in : int32

The graphics adapter index.

returns → string

The human-readable non-empty name of the supported graphics adapter, "" iff the graphics adapter is not supported or null iff index in is not a valid graphics adapter index.

Returns the human-readable name of the given graphics adapter.


protected abstract method DoCreateGraphicsContext → (1)

index in : int32

The graphics adapter index that has been passed to DoAdapterNames, resulting in a non-empty name of a supported graphics adapter.

returns → IGraphicsContext

The created graphics context.

Creates the IGraphicsContext object.


If a graphics subsystem error has occurred.


protected method Modified → ()

This method must be called when the factory properties have changed.



public static attribute Config → (get)

value : IConfigurator<IGraphicsContextFactory>

The configurator object.

The configurator object for this type.