IDataModel Description interface Tinman.Engine.GUI.Components.IDataModel Derived from IDisposable Extended by IDataModelGeneric Base interface for data models that can be browsed in a DataGrid GUI component, using a given IDataView object. Public / Methods HasSubModel public method HasSubModel → (1) row in : int32 [0..IDataModel.Rows-1] The row index. returns → bool true if row in has a sub data model, false if not. Checks if the given data model row has a sub model. SubModel [OwnerReturn] public method SubModel → (1) row in : int32 [0..IDataModel.Rows-1] The row index. returns → IDataModel The sub data model (same runtime type as this model) or null if none. Returns the sub data model of the given row. Public / Attributes Modified public attribute Modified → (get) value : IEventGeneric<DataEvent> [>=0] The row count. This event is triggered each time the data model is modified (not including its sub models). Rows public attribute Rows → (get) value : int32 [>=0] The row count. The number of rows in this data model. IDataGridPane IDataModelGeneric