

sealed class Tinman.Core.IO.Path

Derived from

SerializableBase abstract

Represents a file path in a file system.

A valid path string is defined by the following Grammar:

path      := root? separator? (name (separator name)* separator?)? ;

name      := ]/\r\\\n[+ ;
root      := ]/\r\\\n:[+ ':' ;
separator := [/\\]+ ;

Not all valid path strings may be accepted by the underlying file system; some characters may be invalid and thus cannot be used (see IOError.BadPath).

Public / Constants


public static readonly attribute Current → (Path)

A relative Path object for the current directory: '.'


public static readonly attribute Parent → (Path)

A relative Path object for the parent directory: '.'


public static readonly attribute Root → (Path)

An absolute Path object for the root directory: '/'.


public static readonly attribute Unknown → (Path)

Special Path object for representing an unknown file path.

When called on an unknown path or being passed an unknown path as argument, the following methods will return Unknown without performing any further action:

See also


Public / Constructors


public static method Coalesce → (1)

in : IPathInfo

First path value.

returns → Path

The first non-null path or Unknown.

Returns the first non-null path.


public static method From → (1)

path in : string

The path string.

returns → Path

The Path object.

Parses the given path string and returns the resulting Path object.


If the given path in is not a valid path name (i.e. FromNull would return null).


public static method FromNull → (1)

path in : string

The path string.

returns → Path

The Path object or null if the given path string is invalid, empty or null.

Parses the given path string and returns the resulting Path object.


public static method Guess → (1)

obj in : object

Some object reference.

returns → Path

The guessed Path value or Unknown.

Tries to guess a Path value from the given object.

First, the method checks if obj in implements the IPathInfo interface and returns the value of the IPathInfo.PathInfo property in that case. Otherwise a Path value is constructed from the string representation of obj in.

Public / Methods


public method AppendName → (1)

name in : string

The path element to add.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Appends the given path element to this path.





AppendName("myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt


2 overloads

public method AppendPath1 → (1)

path in : string

The other path.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Appends the given path to this one.





AppendPath("myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt
AppendPath("mydir/myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\mydir\myfile.txt
AppendPath("\myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt
AppendPath("c:myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt
AppendPath("c:\myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt

If the given path in is not a valid path name (i.e. FromNull would return null).

public method AppendPath2 → (1)

path in : Path

The other path.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Appends the given path to this one.





AppendPath("myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt
AppendPath("mydir/myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\mydir\myfile.txt
AppendPath("\myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt
AppendPath("c:myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt
AppendPath("c:\myfile.txt") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt


2 overloads

public method AppendSuffix1 → (1)

suffix in : string

The suffix to append.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Appends the given suffix to this path.



AppendSuffix(".test") => c:\some\directory\structure.test


AppendSuffix(".bak") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt.bak


AppendSuffix("") => c:\
AppendSuffix(".test") => c:\.test

public method AppendSuffix2 → (2)

delimiter in : char

The delimiter char to append.

suffix in : string

The suffix to append.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Appends the given suffix to the last path element of this path.



AppendSuffix('.', "test") => c:\some\directory\structure.test


AppendSuffix('.', "bak") => c:\some\directory\structure\myfile.txt.bak


AppendSuffix('.', "test") => c:\.test


public static method Coalesce → (2)

in : Path

First path value (can be null).

opt : Path = null

Second path value (can be null).

returns → Path

The first non-null and non-unknown path or Unknown.

Returns the first non-null and non-unknown path.


public static method Concat → (2)

in : Path

First path value or null.

in : Path

Second path value or null.

returns → Path

The resulting path value.

Concatenates the given path values.


public static method DeleteAll → (1)

toDelete in : IVectorConst<Path>

The files resp. directories to delete. The elements are processed from last to first.

returns → bool

true if all files and directories have been deleted,
false if not.

Deletes all files resp. directories denoted by toDelete in.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method Directories → (1)

filter opt : PredicateDelegate<Path> = null

The path predicate to wrap or null.

returns → PathFilterDelegate

The path filter for existing directories.

Wraps the given filter opt as a PathFilterDelegate for directories.


3 overloads

public method Equals3 → (2)

other in : Path

The other path to compare with.

caseSensitive in : bool

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → bool

true if this path and the given other in one are equal, false if the paths are different.

Checks if this path is equal to the given other in one.


public static method Files → (1)

filter opt : PredicateDelegate<Path> = null

The path predicate to wrap or null.

returns → PathFilterDelegate

The path filter for existing files.

Wraps the given filter opt as a PathFilterDelegate for files.


public method GetFileSystem → ()

returns → IFileSystem

The IFileSystem to use.

Returns the IFileSystem object that owns this path value.


public method GetSuffix → (1)

delimiter opt : char = '.'

The suffix delimiter character.

returns → string

The suffix string (excluding the delimiter opt character); will be an empty string if this path does not include a suffix or is unknown.

Returns the suffix of the last named element of this path.


public method HasPrefix → (2)

prefix in : Path

The prefix path.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → bool

true if RemovePrefix would return a path that is relative to prefix in,
false if this path is unrelated to prefix in or unknown.

Checks if given prefix path can be removed from this path.


public method HasSuffix → (2)

suffix in : string

The name suffix.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → bool

true if this path ends in suffix in, false if not.

Checks if the last named element of this path ends with the given suffix.


public static method IsName → (1)

name in : string

The name to test.

returns → bool

true if name is a valid path element name, false if not.

Is the given string a valid name for a single path element (i.e. file or directory name)?


public static method Matches → (3)

pattern in : string

The wildcard pattern.

other in : string

The path value.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → bool

true if other matches this wildcard path, false if it does not.

Checks if the given wildcard pattern matches the given path value.

public method Matches1 → (2)

other in : string

The path value.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → bool

true if other matches this wildcard path, false if it does not.

Checks if this wildcard Path matches the given path value.

public method Matches2 → (2)

other in : Path

The path value.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → bool

true if other matches this wildcard path, false if it does not.

Checks if this wildcard Path matches the given path value.


public method RemoveLast → ()

returns → Path

The resulting path or null if this path has no elements or if the resulting path would be empty.

Removes the last element from this path.



RemoveLast => c:\some\directory\structure


RemoveLast => c:\some\directory


RemoveLast => c:\


RemoveLast => null
See also



public method RemovePrefix → (3)

prefix in : Path

The prefix path.

unrelated opt : Path = null

The value to return if this path is unrelated to prefix in.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → Path

The resulting path (will be this if prefix in is null or relative to prefix in) or unrelated opt if this path is unrelated to prefix in).

Removes the given prefix path from this path, if possible.

See also



2 overloads

public method RemoveSuffix1 → (1)

delimiter opt : char = '.'

The suffix delimiter character.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Removes a suffix from the last named element of this path.


RemoveSuffix('.') => c:\directory\myfile
RemoveSuffix('-') => c:\directory\myfile.txt


RemoveSuffix('.') => c:\directory\myfile.txt


RemoveSuffix('.') => c:\directory

public method RemoveSuffix2 → (1)

count in : int32

The number of suffix characters to remove.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Removes the suffix from the last named element of this path.



RemoveSuffix(4) => c:\directory\myfile


RemoveSuffix(10) => c:\directory
RemoveSuffix(11) => c:\directory
RemoveSuffix(12) => c:\directory


RemoveSuffix(1) => c:\director


public method ReplaceLast → (1)

last in : string

The last name part, may be empty.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Replaces the last name part (if any) of this path with the given value.


public method Resolve → (1)

current in : Path

The current path.

returns → Path

The resolved path (not necessarily in canonical form).

Resolves this path, if it is relative, using the given current in path as the base directory.

If the given current path is null or Unknown, the method returns this. If this path is absolute or unknown, the method also returns this. Otherwise, the method appends this path to the current path.


public method ToAbsolute → ()

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Makes this path absolute.

See also



public method ToRelative → ()

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Makes this path relative.


2 overloads

public method ToRootSelector1 → ()

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Changes the root selector of this path to null (i.e. none).

public method ToRootSelector2 → (1)

root in : string

The new root selector or null.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Changes the root selector of this path.

If the given root in selector does not start with '//' resp. '\\' and does not end with ':', the root selector format of this path value will be retained.


public method ToTrailing → (1)

trailing in : bool

true to append a trailing directory separator, if not present,
false to remove the trailing directory separator, if present.

returns → Path

The resulting path.

Appends or removes the trailing directory separator, if necessary.

See also



public method ToUrl → ()

returns → string

The URL string.

Returns this path as a local file URL.


public method Validate → ()

returns → bool

true if all characters in this path are valid,
false if some characters are invalid.

Checks if this path contains only valid characters.

This method checks for additional restrictions on path names that are imposed by the IFileSystem that is associated with this path (see FileSystem.From).

Public / Attributes


public attribute Canonical → (get)

value : Path

The canonical path or Unknown iff this path is unknown.

Returns the canonical name of this path (i.e. the fully resolved absolute path).

The resolved path will have the following properties:

  • It is absolute (see IsAbsolute).

  • It does not have a trailing directory separator (see IsTrailing).

  • It does not contain any '.' elements.

  • It does not contain any '..' elements.

  • All directory separator characters match the one defined by the operating system.


public attribute First → (get)

value : string

The last path part.

Returns the first named element of this path.



First => "some"


First => "some"


First => ""


public static attribute GrammarRulePath → (get)

value : IGrammarRule

The grammar rule.

Returns the grammar rule ('path') for parsing a path value.


public attribute HasRootSelector → (get)

value : bool

true if this path has a root selector, false if it does not.

Is this path rooted?

On some platforms, a path may contain a root selector (e.g. C: on windows platforms).


public static attribute Home → (get)

value : Path

The home path.

Returns the canonical path to the current users home directory.


If an I/O error has occurred while obtaining the home path of the current user.


public attribute IsAbsolute → (get)

value : bool

true if this path is absolute, false if it is relative.

Is this path absolute?

An absolute path points to a file or directory independently of the current directory of the process.


public attribute IsCanonical → (get)

value : bool

true if this path is in canonical form, false if not.

Is this path in canonical form?

See also



public attribute IsRelative → (get)

value : bool

true if this path is relative, false if it is absolute.

Is this path relative?

The file or directory a relative path points to is dependent on the current directory of the process.


public attribute IsTrailing → (get)

value : bool

true if the path ends with a separator, false if not.

Does this path string end with a directory separator?

See also



public attribute IsUnknown → (get)

value : bool

true if this is an unknown path, false if not.

Is this an unknown path?

See also



public attribute IsWildcard → (get)

value : bool

true if this path contains one or more wildcards, false it not.

Is this a wildcard path?

The following wildcards are recognized:

  • '*': Matches zero or more characters of a name element.

  • '?': Matches one character of a name element.


public attribute Last → (get)

value : string

The last path part.

Returns the last named element of this path.



Last => "myfile.txt"


Last => "structure"


Last => ""
See also



public attribute Length → (get)

value : int32

The number of characters in the path string

Returns the number of characters in this path string.


public attribute RootSelector → (get)

value : string

The root selector or null if this path does not have one.

Returns the root selector of this path.

On some platforms, a path may contain a root selector (e.g. C: on windows platforms):


RootSelector => "c:"


RootSelector => null

RootSelector => "http:"

The root selector contains lower-case characters only.


public attribute RootSelectorLength → (get)

value : int32

The root selector length, including the separator character.

Returns the length of the root selector of this path.


public static attribute Temp → (get)

value : Path

The temp path.

Returns the full path to the system directory into which the Tinman 3D SDK shall put temporary files, if required.


If an I/O error has occurred.



public static method Copy → (1)

target in : Path

The target path.

Copies this file to the given target path.

For copying very large files, Operation.Copy may be used.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method CopyAll → (3)

target in : Path

The target directory.

filter opt : PredicateDelegate<Path> = null

Optional filter that chooses the files to copy. If null, all files are copied.

recur opt : PredicateDelegate<Path> = null

Optional filter that decides whether to recur into a subdirectory or not. If null, all subdirectories are visited.

returns → IOperation

The copy operation or null if no files or directories need to be copied.

Copies files from this directory to the given directory.

This method uses FindAll and Operation.Copy to build the returned IOperation.


If an I/O error has occurred.

See also



public static method Delete → ()

returns → bool

true if the file or directory has been deleted,
false if not or unknown, see Path.IsUnknown

Deletes the file or directory denoted by this path.

This method swallows IOError.NotEmpty errors and returns false in this case.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method DeleteAll → (3)

deleteThis opt : bool = true

Delete this path, too?

filter opt : PathFilterDelegate = null

The filter predicate that determines which Paths to collect for deletion. If null, all child Paths are collected.

recur opt : PredicateDelegate<Path> = null

The filter predicate that decides whether to recur into the tested directory or not. If null, recursion is done for all child directories.

returns → bool

true if all files and directories have been deleted,
false if not or unknown, see Path.IsUnknown.

Recursively deletes all files and directories, starting at this path.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method DirectoryCreate → ()

returns → Path


Creates the directory this path points to.

If the given directory already exists, the method returns silently. The method will create all ancestor directories if necessary.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method DirectoryDelete → ()

returns → bool

true if the directory has been deleted,
false if it not or unknown, Path.IsUnknown.

Deletes the directory this path points to.

A directory can only be deleted if it is empty. Otherwise, an IOException with IOError.NotEmpty is thrown.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method DirectoryExists → ()

returns → bool

true if the directory exists,
false if not or unknown, see Path.IsUnknown.

Checks if this path points to an existing directory.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method DirectoryFreeSpace → ()

returns → int64

The available storage space, in bytes. Will be 0 if the available storage space cannot be determined (for any reason, except IOExceptions).

Returns the amount of storage space that is available in this directory.

If the given directory does not exist, the storage space for the nearest existing ancestor directory is reported. The returned value is intended to be used for coarse-grained resource decisions.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method FileDelete → ()

returns → bool

true if the file has been deleted,
false if not or unknown, see Path.IsUnknown.

Deletes the file this path points to.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method FileExists → ()

returns → bool

true if the file exists,
false if not or unknown, see Path.IsUnknown.

Checks if this path points to an existing file.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method FileNew → (1)

flags in : FileFlags

The file flags (creation disposition and behaviour flags).

returns → IFile

The created file.

Creates a new instance of IFile for this path.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method FindAll → (3)

filter opt : PathFilterDelegate = null

The filter predicate that determines which Paths to collect in found opt. If null, all child Paths are collected.

recur opt : PredicateDelegate<Path> = null

The filter predicate that decides whether to recur into the tested directory or not. If null, recursion is done for all child directories.

found opt : IBag<Path> = null

Output collection for found Paths. If null, a new collection is created (see OrderedSet).

returns → IBag<Path>

A collection that holds all found Paths.

Finds all subdirectories and files in the directory pointed to by this Path object which match the given filter.

The found files and directories are added to the resulting collection in such order so that all of them may be deleted by iterating over the collection in reverse order.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method Finder → (1)

pattern opt : string = null

Optional name pattern using '?' and '*' wildcards. If null, the wildcards in this path are used, if present (see Path.IsWildcard); otherwise all files or directories are found.

returns → PathFinder

The PathFinder object.

Returns a PathFinder object that can later be used to find individual files or directories in this directory.


public static method FindSiblingInAncestor → (1)

sibling in : string

Name of the file or directory to find.

returns → Path

The full path to the found file or directory or null if no directory has been found.

Tries to find a file or directory in the ancestor chain of this directory.

Beginning at the directory pointed to by this Path object, this method probes each parent directory in order to find a file or sub-directory named sibling in.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method ListDirectories → (2)

pattern opt : string = null

Optional name pattern using '?' and '*' wildcards.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → Path [ ]

The list of canonical directory paths. The returned list order has no particular sort order.

Lists all subdirectories in the given directory.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method ListFiles → (2)

pattern opt : string = null

Optional name pattern using '?' and '*' wildcards.

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → Path [ ]

The list of canonical file paths. The returned list order has no particular sort order.

Lists all files in the given directory.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method MakeCurrent → ()

Makes this path the current directory in its attached filesystem.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method MakeRelative → (3)

home in : Path

The home path.

appendCurrent opt : bool = false

Append Path.Current before returning a relative path (e.g. './my/relative/path' instead of 'my/relative/path')?

caseSensitive opt : bool = true

Do case-sensitive comparison?

returns → Path

The relative path from home in to this or null if no relative path has been found.

Tries to create a relative path that points from home in to this path.

The canonical form of this path and home in will be used by this method (see Path.Canonical).


public static method MD5 → ()

returns → GUID

The MD5 checksum.

Computes the MD5 checksum of this file.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method ParentDirectoryCreate → ()

returns → Path


Creates the parent directory.

If the parent directory already exists, the method returns silently.

The method will create all ancestor directories if necessary.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method ReadAllBytes → ()

returns → ByteBuffer

A buffer holding all bytes.

Reads all bytes from this file.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method ReadAllText → (2)

encoding opt : CharacterEncoding = null

The character encoding to use if no BOM is found. If null, CharacterEncodingSimple.ASCII will be used.

bom opt : bool = false

Consume a byte-order mark to choose the character encoding (will override encoding opt, if present)?

returns → string

The file text.

Reads all text from this file.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method Rename → (1)

name in : string

The new file or directory name (see Path.Last).

returns → Path

The canonical path of the renamed file or directory.

Renames this file or directory to the given name in.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method StreamNew → (2)

flags in : FileFlags

The file flags (creation disposition and behaviour flags).

bufferSize opt : int32 = 65536

The buffer size to use.

returns → IDataStream

The created file stream.

Creates a new instance of IDataStream for this path.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method ThrowIfUnknown → (1)

source in : string

The error source tag to use.

Throws an IOException with IOError.BadPath if this path is unknown.


If this path is unknown.

See also



2 overloads

public static method Timestamp1 → ()

returns → int64

The timestamp value (see LicenceUtil.SystemTime).

Returns the timestamp of the last file modification.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public static method Timestamp2 → (1)

timestamp in : int64

The timestamp value (see LicenceUtil.SystemTime).

Sets the timestamp of the last file modification.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method WriteAllBytes → (1)

buffer in : ByteBuffer

The byte buffer.

Writes the given bytes to the file pointed to by this path.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public static method WriteAllText → (3)

text in : string

The text to write.

encoding opt : CharacterEncoding = null

The character encoding to use (giving null will use CharacterEncodingSimple.ASCII).

bom opt : bool = false

Output a byte-order mark (BOM), if applicable to the chosen encoding?

Writes the given text to the file pointed to by this path.


If an I/O error has occurred.



public static readonly attribute SerialId → (ISerialTypeInfo)

Serialization information about this type.