

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Drawing.PixelFontBuilder

Builds pixel fonts that can be loaded with PixelFontInfo.For and Graphics.LoadFontFrom.

To build a pixel font, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Create a PixelFontBuilder object.

  2. Use Baseline or AutoBaseline to specify the font baseline.

  3. Use Compact and/or AutoCompact to specify the font compact height.

  4. Use KerningPairs and Spacing to control the horizontal spacing between glyph pairs.

  5. Use PowerOfTwo to control the dimensions of the pixel font image.

  6. Use Trim to specify the trimming behaviour for glyph pixels.

  7. Use Whitespace to specify the whitespace width to use for the font.

  8. Use FilterCategories, FilterHeight and FilterIgnore to configure the filter that decides which characters will be included in the pixel font.

  9. Use Glyph and/or GlyphAll to specify the font glyphs.

  10. Use Build to build a pixel font image, which will contain all font glyphs as well as the corresponding metadata (see below for details).

  11. Write the pixel font image to a .pxb file (or any other image format that supports 8-bit grayscale images), for example by using ColorBuffer.WritePXB1

  12. Use Graphics.LoadFontFrom or PixelFont.HandleFile to load a pixel font from its image file.

A pixel font image holds the actual font glyphs as well as additional metadata, which is encoded as 8-bit grayscale values. The following logic may be used to iterate over all font glyphs and to decode the metadata:

  1. Define V(x,y) as…​

    1. the 8-bit pixel value at (x,y), if inside of the font image.

    2. 255, if (x,y) lies outside of the font image.

  2. Let X be 0.
    Let Y be 0.
    Let Dy be 0.

  3. If V(X,Y) is not 255, goto 6.

  4. Let X be 0.
    Let Y be the sum of Dy and Y.
    Let Dy be 0.

  5. If V(X,Y) is 255, goto 9.

  6. The pixel at (X,Y) represents the top-left corner of a font glyph specification rectangle, which encodes glyph metadata in the top-most pixel row:

    Rw := 255 - V(X+0,Y)
    Rh := 255 - V(X+1,Y)
    W  := 255 - V(X+2,Y)
    Ox := 255 - V(X+3,Y)
    Oy := 255 - V(X+4,Y)
    Ch := 255 - V(X+5,Y)
    Cl := 255 - V(X+6,Y)

    These metadata values correlate with PixelFontGlyph attributes as follows:
    X becomes Box2I.X1 of PixelFontGlyph.Bounds.
    Y+1 becomes Box2I.Y1 of PixelFontGlyph.Bounds.
    Rw becomes Box2I.Width of PixelFontGlyph.Bounds.
    Rh becomes Box2I.Height of PixelFontGlyph.Bounds.
    W becomes PixelFontGlyph.Width.
    Ox becomes Vec2I.X of PixelFontGlyph.Offset.
    Oy becomes Vec2I.Y of PixelFontGlyph.Offset.
    Ch*256+Cl becomes PixelFontGlyph.CodePoint.

  7. Let Dx be the maximum of Rw and 7.
    Let Dy be the maximum of Rh+1 and Dy.
    Let X be the sum of Dx and X.

  8. Continue with step 3.

  9. Let B be a empty sequence of unsigned 8-bit integer values.

  10. Start at (X+1,Y) to iterate in row-major order over all remaining pixels of the font image and append 255 - V(x,y) to B for each pixel.

  11. Consume the byte stream B according to this structure:

    Block   | Count
    VERSION |     1
    HEADER  |     1
    KERNING |  0..n
    FOOTER  |     1
    VERSION | Type      | Meaning
          0 | uint8     | block ID (always 1)
          1 | uint8     | data stream version (1 or 2)
    HEADER  | Type      | Meaning
          0 | uint8     | block ID (always 2)
          1 | uint8     | font height
          2 | uint8     | font ascent
          3 | uint8     | compact height
          4 | uint8     | whitespace width
          5 | int8      | glyph spacing
    KERNING | Type      | Meaning
          0 | uint8     | block ID (3 or 4)
    if block ID is 3:
          1 | uint16_be | first code point
          3 | uint16_be | second code point
          5 | int8      | kerning width
    if block ID is 4 and data stream version is 2:
          1 | uint32_be | first code point
          5 | uint32_be | second code point
          9 | int8      | kerning width
    FOOTER  | Type      | Meaning
          0 | uint8     | block ID (always 255)

Public / Constants


public constant AutoCompactDefault → ("0123456789abcdefhiklmnorstuvwxzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ":string)

The characters that will be present in AutoCompact by default.

Public / Constructors


public method Build → ()

returns → ColorBuffer

The font image.

Builds a font image from the current builder state.


public constructor PixelFontBuilder → ()

Creates a new instance of PixelFontBuilder.

Public / Methods


public method Glyph → (2)

codePoint in : int32

The Unicode code point of the glyph, built of black pixels. White pixels and transparent pixels do not belong to the glyph and are trimmed away. Any shades in between can be used for anti-aliasing.

pixels in : ColorBuffer

The glyph pixels.

returns → bool

true if a glyph has been added, false if not.

Adds a glyph to the font.

This method returns false in these cases:

  • IsIgnored returns true for codePoint in.

  • The glyph pixels in are empty, i.e. all pixels are white.

  • The trimmed height of the glyph pixels in is not contained in FilterHeight.


public method GlyphAll → (1)

glyphs in : IPixelFontGlyphs

The pixel font glyphs provider to use.

Helper method that iterates over all characters in IPixelFontGlyphs.Glyphs, calls IPixelFontGlyphs.Glyph for each one and then delegates to Glyph.


public method GlyphRange → (3)

glyphs in : IPixelFontGlyphs

The pixel font glyphs provider to use.

in : int32

The first Unicode code point of the range (inclusive).

in : int32

The second Unicode code point of the range (inclusive).

Helper method that iterates over all characters between in and in, calls IPixelFontGlyphs.Glyph for each one and then delegates to Glyph.


public method GlyphString → (2)

glyphs in : IPixelFontGlyphs

The pixel font glyphs provider to use.

value in : string

The characters.

Helper method that iterates over all unique Unicode code points in value in, calls IPixelFontGlyphs.Glyph for each one and then delegates to Glyph.


public method IsIgnored → (1)

codePoint in : int32

The Unicode code point to check.

returns → bool

false if codePoint in will produce a font glyph,
true if it will not, because it is ignored.

Checks if the given character is ignored and will thus never produce a font glyph.

A character is ignored if any of the following holds true:

  • It is contained in the set of ignored characters, see FilterIgnore.

  • The set of character categories of codePoint in is disjoint with the set of allowed categories, see FilterCategories.


public method KerningPair → (3)

first in : int32

The Unicode code point of the first glyph.

second in : int32

The Unicode code point of the second glyph.

value in : int32

The custom kerning width offset of the glyph pair.

Adds an entry to KerningPairs.

Public / Attributes


public attribute AutoBaseline → (get,set)

value : int32

The Unicode code point to use for setting Baseline.

Specifies a character that will be used to set Baseline automatically when a matching glyph is being added by subsequent calls to Glyph.

Defaults to '\0'.


public attribute AutoCompact → (get)

value : ISortedSet<int32>

The Unicode code points to use for updating Compact.

Specifies a set of characters that will be used to set Compact to a value greater than its current value, automatically when a matching glyph is being added by subsequent calls to Glyph.

Contains all characters of AutoCompactDefault by default.


public attribute Baseline → (get,set)

value : int32

The font baseline. If 0, the font baseline with be equal to the font height.

The font baseline, in pixels.

The value of this property will be taken into account when Build is called.

Defaults to 0.


public attribute Compact → (get,set)

value : int32

The compact font height. If 0, the compact font height will be equal to the font ascent, see IPixelFontInfo.Ascent.

Specifies the compact font height.

The value of this property will be taken into account when Build is called.

Defaults to 0.


public attribute FilterCategories → (get,set)

value : CharacterCategory

The set of character categories to include.

Specifies the Unicode character categories to include.

Defaults to CharacterCategory.All.


public attribute FilterHeight → (get,set)

value : RangeI

The range of pixel height values for trimmed pixel font glyphs.

Specifies the allowed range of pixel font height values.

This property can be useful to quickly remove unwanted glyphs when building a font, just by having a look at the generated pixel font image, because there the font glyphs are sorted in ascending order of their trimmed pixel font glyph height.

Defaults to RangeI.Max.


public attribute FilterIgnore → (get)

value : ISortedSet<int32>

The set of ignored Unicode code points.

Returns the set of ignored characters.


public attribute KerningPairs → (get)

value : ISortedMap<Pair<int32, int32>, int8>

The mapping from Unicode code point pair to kerning width value.

Returns the glyph pairs for which custom kerning width are defined.

The value of this property will be taken into account when Build is called.

The values in this map are added to the initial kerning widths that result from applying Spacing.


public attribute PowerOfTwo → (get,set)

value : bool

true to create power-of-two images, false to create compact images.

Generate pixel font images that have power-of-two dimensions?

The value of this property will be taken into account when Build is called.

Defaults to true.


public attribute Spacing → (get,set)

value : int32

The amount of glyph pixel spacing to use. If negative, the initial kerning width will always be -1-N, which means that pixel blocks will never overlap while having a constant spacing of zero or more. Otherwise, the pixel blocks will be arranged horizontally using the greatest amount of overlap which still satisfied the pixel spacing.

Specifies the amount of omnidirectional spacing around the pixels of each font glyph to use for computing the initial kerning width of each glyph pair.

The value of this property will be taken into account when Build is called.

The initial kerning width may be adjusted by adding custom kerning width offsets to KerningPairs, for specific glyph pairs.

Defaults to 1.


public attribute Trim → (get,set)

value : bool

true to trim the given glyph pixels at the left and right edges,
false to use the unmodified glyph pixels, as specified.

Enables or disables horizontal trimming of glyphs for subsequent calls to Glyph.

Defaults to true.


public attribute Whitespace → (get,set)

value : int32

The whitespace width of the font. If 0, the whitespace width will be computed automatically.

Specifies the whitespace width to use for the pixel font.

The value of this property will be taken into account when Build is called.

Defaults to 0.