- Derived from
RenderEffectParameters abstract
Shared render effect parameters for the scene lighting.
The following low-level render effect parameter slots are always defined:
'g_coefficient', RenderEffectParameterType.Vector3, mapped to Coefficient.
'g_edgeFixup', RenderEffectParameterType.Float, mapped to EdgeFixup.
'g_environment', RenderEffectParameterType.TextureCube, mapped to EnvironmentMap.
'g_environmentScale', RenderEffectParameterType.Float, mapped to EnvironmentScale.
'g_horizon', RenderEffectParameterType.Float, mapped to Horizon.
'g_lightSpace', RenderEffectParameterType.Matrix3x3, mapped to transpose of LightSpace.
The following low-level render effect parameter slots are omitted if FlagNoShading is present:
'g_fogDistance', RenderEffectParameterType.Float, mapped to FogDistance.
'g_lightEnable', RenderEffectParameterType.Float, mapped to Enabled.
'g_lightVector', RenderEffectParameterType.Vector3, mapped to LightVector.
'g_mipmap', RenderEffectParameterType.Vector3, mapped to Mipmap.
'g_scale', RenderEffectParameterType.Vector4, mapped to Scale.
'g_unlitShade', RenderEffectParameterType.Float, mapped to UnlitShade.
Public / Constants
Public / Attributes
The cubemap edge fixup (coordinate warp during cubemap creation and before sampling).
1 := disabled 1 - 0.5 / nh := enabled
where nh
is the cubemap size, divided by two.
Defaults to false
- See also
The scale factor for samples of the environment map.
Tone-mapping will be performed only if the scale factor is different to 1
. Defaults to 0
The orthogonal matrix that transforms from light-space to world-space.
Defaults to Mat3F.Identity.
- See also
Unit-length direction vector of prominent light source, in light-space (see LightSpace).
Defaults to (0,-1,0).