

abstract class Tinman.Core.Threading.Pooling.TaskResultBase

Extended by

TaskResult abstract
TaskResultVoid abstract

Abstract base class for all classes that represent the result of a pending task execution.

Public / Methods


public method Wait → (1)

timeout opt : int32 = 0

The timeout in milliseconds. If 0, the method immediately returns.

returns → bool

true if the task has finished, false if it is still pending.

Waits for the task to finish.

For properly ending a task, the Finish method (see below) must be called. The task result object and exception information can be obtained then. When Wait returns true, calling the Finish method will not block; it will otherwise.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Exception → (get)

value : TinmanError

The error information object or null if the task has finished without errors.

Error information about the exception that has occurred during the task execution.


public attribute HasFinished → (get)

value : bool

true if the task has finished, false if it is still pending.

Has the task finished?

If this property returns true, the Finish method will not block when called.


public attribute TimePerform → (get)

value : float32

The time span, in seconds.

Time span of actual task execution.


public attribute TimeSchedule → (get)

value : float32

The time span, in seconds.

Time span between scheduling and finishing.

Protected / Constants


protected static readonly attribute ErrorCancel → (TinmanError)

Special TinmanError object that is used when a task has been cancelled by the user.

Protected / Attributes


protected attribute exception → (TinmanError)

Error information about the exception that has occurred during the task execution.