

abstract class Tinman.Engine.Scenes.SceneEntityView
<TSceneView ref : ISceneView>

Derived from

SceneObject abstract

Extended by

CameraBase abstract
CameraFree sealed
CompassView sealed
Example_SceneEntityView sealed
Example_SpatialCallback sealed
OffscreenView sealed
ScreenGizmo sealed

Abstract base class for ISceneEntityView implementations.

The default implementation of ISceneEntityView.QueryScreen produces no query results. The ISceneObject.QuerySceneObjectResult method will generate a SceneEntityViewResult for this scene entity view.

The default implementation of SceneObject.DirtyStateCheck checks if the ISceneObject.Enabled property of ISceneEntityView.Owner has changed and calls SceneObject.DirtyState in that case. In effect, the SceneObject.DoUpdateState will be called if the owning scene entity is enabled or disabled, which make the SceneView.Enabled and SceneView.Visible helpers work as expected.

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor SceneEntityView → (1)

callbackMask in : SceneObjectCallback

The value for ISceneObject.CallbackMask.

Creates a new instance of SceneEntityView.

Protected / Methods


4 overloads

protected method ScreenLabel1 → (2)

label in : IScreenLabel

The label to add.

world in : Vec3D

The world coordinates.

returns → int32

The ordinal of the added screen label or 0 if no screen label has been added, see ScreenLabelPlacement.Add.

Convenience method that adds a screen label centered at the given world coordinates.

protected method ScreenLabel2 → (3)

label in : IScreenLabel

The label to add.

world in : Vec3D

The world coordinates.

anchor in : Vec2F

The label anchor.

returns → int32

The ordinal of the added screen label or 0 if no screen label has been added, see ScreenLabelPlacement.Add.

Convenience method that adds a screen label centered at the given world coordinates.

protected method ScreenLabel3 → (2)

label in : IScreenLabel

The label to add.

screen in : Vec3F

The screen coordinates.

returns → int32

The ordinal of the added screen label or 0 if no screen label has been added, see ScreenLabelPlacement.Add.

Convenience method that adds a screen label centered at the given screen coordinates.

protected method ScreenLabel4 → (3)

label in : IScreenLabel

The label to add.

screen in : Vec3F

The screen coordinates.

anchor in : Vec2F

The label anchor.

returns → int32

The ordinal of the added screen label or 0 if no screen label has been added, see ScreenLabelPlacement.Add.

Convenience method that adds a screen label centered at the given screen coordinates.

Protected / Attributes


protected attribute graphics → (Graphics)

The currently attached graphics object.


protected attribute sceneView → (TSceneView)

The currently attached ISceneView or null if not attached.